lvl 1 twink warrior

any lvl1 without BoA are easy to gear.

BiS cloak for all classes is: wispy or linen

BiS helm for all classes is: hallowed helm

BiS trinket for all classes is: AGM

BiS neck for all classes is: Voice Amp

BiS chest for all classes is: Formal Dangui (or get Haliscan for cheap)

BiS Shield for all classes is: Cracked Buckler

all the other BiS gear is the starting area vendor mail gear.

Sword and Board:

if you roll a Blood Elf, then the Sunstrider Axe is BiS. Non Belf, Keen Machete or Simple Dagger.


alliance is Thicket Hammer

horde is Brave's Axe
Chubs, you left out pretty much everything.

Hat: [item=]Violet Hat[/item] [item=]Purple Turban[/item] [item=]Hallowed Helm[/item] [item=]Battered Jungle Hat[/item]

Neck: [item=]Voice Amplification Modulator[/item]

Cape [item=]Wispy Cloak[/item] [item=]Linen Cloak[/item]

Chest: [item=]Formal Dangui[/item] [item=]Haliscan Jacket[/item]

Bracers: The vendor at the first zone sells this, depends on what race you are on the bracers you get

Gloves: The vendor at the first zone sells this, depends on what race you are on the gloves you get

Belt: The vendor at the first zone sells this, depends on what race you are on the belt you get.

Pants: The vendor at the first zone sells this, depends on what race you are on the pants you get.

Boots: The vendor at the first zone sells this, depends on what race you are on the boots you get

Rings don't madder.

Trinkets1: [item=]Arena Grand Master[/item]

Trinket2: [item=]Insignia of the Alliance[/item] if PvP toon, get another arena grand master if your going PvE.


2 hander: 2her: Horde: [item=]Brave's Axe[/item] Alliance: [item=]Thicket Hammer[/item]

1h/shield: [item=]Keen Machete[/item] Shield is from vendors, should be near the mail gear vendors.

Ranged: [item=]Thistlewood Bow[/item] [item=]Sunstrider Bow[/item]

For chants, just balance how you feel depending if your PvE/PvP.
Chubs, you left out pretty much everything.

um...your post looks almost exactly like mine...cept you put in the links and more fail

1. can't get bone fishing pole cause ya can't fish

2. the mail vendor legs are better than haliscan cause they have more armor (and yes you can put the 40 armor leg kit on it)

3. i did leave out the Cadet Bow as being BiS for all ranged classes non-BoA ... it is better than both the ones you linked

btw ... before you go hunting too hard for the neck fishingbuddy, it has no effect for non casters ... so it doesn't matter

as for chants ... you stack strength and sta ... except haste to gloves is > dps than 7 str
as a belf imo chubs u are wrong about cadets bow being better than sunstriders bow. Due to the fact that the sunstriders bow is much faster and thats what you need because you wont be sitting back bowing.

i'm really impressed at both you and mcbanks fail ... seriously guys, people are coming here asking for advice, if you're posting please be knowledgeable or at least read your wowhead surfing better.

1. Cadet Bow @ 2.00 speed is faster than the Sunstrider @ 2.30 ... at least that's what my 5 year old taught me when he learned to count last semester in kindergarten. Does the .3 speed and .1 DPS matter as a warrior since there are no stats and you'll only fire 5-10 shots in a duel ... absolutely not. But it is BiS for non BoA, and if someone is coming here for advice they probably understand that (same with +1 armor on the helm vs turban)

2. However, none of this even matters since BElfs can't be Warriors ... at least that's what my 12 year old nephew told me when he got the game last week and noticed that. Unless you were future posting about Cataclysm? In which case read point number 1 again.
i was simpley stating that as a belf imo sunstriders bow is better. yes i can see how it could be confused as i said this in a warriors thread and i did get confused beetween the diffrence i thought that sunstriders bow was the one with a faster speed when in reality it is the higher top end. I made a mistake and i am sorry but i wasnt demoralizing u in any way saying ur fail i was simply stating that my opinion differs from yours and i did make a mistake and that is my bad and i said as a belf because that quest is only doable by a belf
belfs can be warrz in cata
@ Stabby - meh, i'm just in a bad mood ...
How can you get the thicket hammer at level 1? In order to be introduced to the guy who gives it, you need to complete a level 3 quest.

Also, how can you attach +40 armor to vendor chain pants if they're only item level 5?
Severnaya said:
How can you get the thicket hammer at level 1? In order to be introduced to the guy who gives it, you need to complete a level 3 quest.

Also, how can you attach +40 armor to vendor chain pants if they're only item level 5?

Correct on the Thicket Hammer. .. .I don't play Alliance, so I was just going off of wowhead on that one...there was no listing to a precursor quest. Looks like Anvilmar Sledge or Smooth Walking Staff (again, not tested, but appears to be good)

40 Armor can be attached to any item lvl ... it's a bug
chubs said:
Correct on the Thicket Hammer. .. .I don't play Alliance, so I was just going off of wowhead on that one...there was no listing to a precursor quest. Looks like Anvilmar Sledge or Smooth Walking Staff (again, not tested, but appears to be good)

40 Armor can be attached to any item lvl ... it's a bug

Weird, I tried to apply the rugged kit to my unadorned legs as a level 80 and it said it didn't meet item level requirements. Sucks on the thicket hammer, would have been nice until I get my BAR.
hmm...mine still work ... Rugged Armor Kit +vendor mail leggings from Bloodhoof village
McBankington said:
2 hander: 2her: Horde: [item=]Brave's Axe[/item] Alliance: [item=]Thicket Hammer[/item]

Is Thicket still obtainable at level 1?

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