Low Lvl Class Ranking


I haven't played the PTR or Beta and the BFA prepatch is right around the corner, so I was just wondering if I could get a couple of opinions about where classes are right now. I am looking for a variety of lists something like a list of what is the closest to being fotm (dps, hybrid, faceroll) wise, a ranking of the most viable healers and maybe even a list of what will not be viable, most likely, when the prepatch comes out. I've seen some videos so I have an idea of what may be on top for some of the lists I am looking for like for fotm it seems like rets/fury war/bm hunts could possibly be fotm (not interested in playing fotm's, just need some idea of what they will be so I know what I am dealing with). Also, I am curious about class specs that may not be fotm, but are viable like ferals. Also, excited that low lvl mw monks will get their old way of healing back! Is that still gonna be a thing or did blizz change it? Looking for multiple opinions and info. Thanks.
I don’t mean to be rude- but this thread makes absolutely no sense. You say ret/fury and BM may be FOTM... those are very seldom played specs currently. I would say feral is one of the better specs in the gulch right now. Really any Druid is VERY good (except guardian) for PUGs- mostly due to movement speed.

But this is literally the worst time pretty much to be making this thread. We can tell you what is really good now- but that doesn’t matter because it’s changing soon. We could tell you what people think will be really good next patch, but they really won’t have a good answer because anything can change between now and patch release.

It seems like you are looking for advice on what to play, so I’ll give you some.

Play a CLASS that you really enjoy, or play a ROLE that you really enjoy. If you choose a class, and invest time into this toon, chances are- there will be a fairly decent spec for that class come patch release. It may not be OP or FOTM, but I’m sure every class will have *1* spec that is viable.

If you enjoy the idea of a specific role, let’s pretend you want to be a healer, make a class for that role. I’ll tell you the best healer right now is a disc priest. They can do fairly decent damage too. If the patch rolls around, and priests arnt good (unlikely), good news for you! You can quickly reroll to a new class/spec.

Also- you didn’t clarify which bracket- and that can change things as well. I hope this helps (maybe not too much). Good luck!
I don’t mean to be rude- but this thread makes absolutely no sense. You say ret/fury and BM may be FOTM... those are very seldom played specs currently. I would say feral is one of the better specs in the gulch right now. Really any Druid is VERY good (except guardian) for PUGs- mostly due to movement speed.

But this is literally the worst time pretty much to be making this thread. We can tell you what is really good now- but that doesn’t matter because it’s changing soon. We could tell you what people think will be really good next patch, but they really won’t have a good answer because anything can change between now and patch release.

It seems like you are looking for advice on what to play, so I’ll give you some.

Play a CLASS that you really enjoy, or play a ROLE that you really enjoy. If you choose a class, and invest time into this toon, chances are- there will be a fairly decent spec for that class come patch release. It may not be OP or FOTM, but I’m sure every class will have *1* spec that is viable.

If you enjoy the idea of a specific role, let’s pretend you want to be a healer, make a class for that role. I’ll tell you the best healer right now is a disc priest. They can do fairly decent damage too. If the patch rolls around, and priests arnt good (unlikely), good news for you! You can quickly reroll to a new class/spec.

Also- you didn’t clarify which bracket- and that can change things as well. I hope this helps (maybe not too much). Good luck!
I mean, I appreciate your input, but I am pretty sure that by this time ppl have a good idea of what the BFA prepatch will be like since it is days away. Yes it will change, but since we are close to the prepatch, most of the changes blizz has made on the ptr to this point will make it to the prepatch. Also, how the game is in the prepatch has a good chance of making it to the actual xpac. Look at surv's/rets for Legion, they were op for prepatch and they stayed that way till the end of Legion. Plus, most of the class redesigns they have been working on will make it; they may get changed later, but I care about what's happening soon. Also, I wouldn't say this thread makes no sense. Tbh, you answered one of my questions by saying Feral and disc are good right now if by "right now" u mean the ptr. Also, I don't care about a specific bracket as long as it is "low lvl". That is why I asked for multiple opinions, but again thanks for answering part of my question if u were talking about the bfa ptr for ferals and discs. Can anyone else give me a bit of info if they have tested anything or tell me how things are in the ptr cuz if anything that is my best bet as to how the prepatch and bfa gameplay will be. Again I realize it will change lol, but for the most part this is the best way to get info.
I mean, I appreciate your input, but I am pretty sure that by this time ppl have a good idea of what the BFA prepatch will be like since it is days away. Yes it will change, but since we are close to the prepatch, most of the changes blizz has made on the ptr to this point will make it to the prepatch. Also, how the game is in the prepatch has a good chance of making it to the actual xpac. Look at surv's/rets for Legion, they were op for prepatch and they stayed that way till the end of Legion. Plus, most of the class redesigns they have been working on will make it; they may get changed later, but I care about what's happening soon. Also, I wouldn't say this thread makes no sense. Tbh, you answered one of my questions by saying Feral and disc are good right now if by "right now" u mean the ptr. Also, I don't care about a specific bracket as long as it is "low lvl". That is why I asked for multiple opinions, but again thanks for answering part of my question if u were talking about the bfa ptr for ferals and discs. Can anyone else give me a bit of info if they have tested anything or tell me how things are in the ptr cuz if anything that is my best bet as to how the prepatch and bfa gameplay will be. Again I realize it will change lol, but for the most part this is the best way to get info.

There has not been extensive testing on different classes in instances PVP. We don’t know if templates will be back. There hasn’t been too much testing on different enchants. Instanced pvp im 10v10s is very different in organized vrs unorganized games. An arcane mage can be integral to an organized team, but be almost useless to a 10v10 pug. Your questions, in my opinion, can not be answered very well until we get some games in here soon.
We need to give the pre-patch some time before compiling rankings. Usually also early on they make some big tweaks and add - remove abilities, usually in the first part of the expansion.

I’ll be honest though, all 4 of my Vets are looking good. Warrior is looking the goods, so are Mistweavers. This is the one I’m probably the most excited about. 20 Misty’s feel real good at the moment.

My main, my Huntard will likely return to BM - just for the swagger of having dual pets...... Though Marks looks real good also. Rapid Fire ftw!

And Rogues...... back to the days of melting faces with Ele Force. Get ur poisons / bleeds up and simply watch the target melt away..........

I’ve only tested my 4 classes so I can’t comment on the others, but so far it’s looking good.

For me though, I enjoyed the competitiveness that was afforded the F2P’s in Legion. Will be sad to see them getting smashed again by Vets and 29’s :(
We need to give the pre-patch some time before compiling rankings. Usually also early on they make some big tweaks and add - remove abilities, usually in the first part of the expansion.

I’ll be honest though, all 4 of my Vets are looking good. Warrior is looking the goods, so are Mistweavers. This is the one I’m probably the most excited about. 20 Misty’s feel real good at the moment.

My main, my Huntard will likely return to BM - just for the swagger of having dual pets...... Though Marks looks real good also. Rapid Fire ftw!

And Rogues...... back to the days of melting faces with Ele Force. Get ur poisons / bleeds up and simply watch the target melt away..........

I’ve only tested my 4 classes so I can’t comment on the others, but so far it’s looking good.

For me though, I enjoyed the competitiveness that was afforded the F2P’s in Legion. Will be sad to see them getting smashed again by Vets and 29’s :(
This guy gets it. Thank you good sir for the info. I am excited to see if mw will stay fun/viable and be somewhat on par with disc.

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