I haven't played the PTR or Beta and the BFA prepatch is right around the corner, so I was just wondering if I could get a couple of opinions about where classes are right now. I am looking for a variety of lists something like a list of what is the closest to being fotm (dps, hybrid, faceroll) wise, a ranking of the most viable healers and maybe even a list of what will not be viable, most likely, when the prepatch comes out. I've seen some videos so I have an idea of what may be on top for some of the lists I am looking for like for fotm it seems like rets/fury war/bm hunts could possibly be fotm (not interested in playing fotm's, just need some idea of what they will be so I know what I am dealing with). Also, I am curious about class specs that may not be fotm, but are viable like ferals. Also, excited that low lvl mw monks will get their old way of healing back! Is that still gonna be a thing or did blizz change it? Looking for multiple opinions and info. Thanks.