Low level mages unite! (Alliance)


G'day ladies and gents

The time has come to have some broken fun!
I'm in search of as many low level mages as possible (From 10-59) Doesnt have to be a full blown twink, but some gear and enchants are advised
If you dont have Alliance, a lvl 20 (Ideally 20+ for Flurry move) allied class with heirlooms and some chants will do!
Im gathering a group of FROST mages to do something that most 120s will see as impossible (Atleast while its broken)
I cant go to much into detail about what the plans which suck, it can be easily ruined
But for now just know im after 30ish mages and have a fair few already for a raid
If it all goes to plan, this will be as fun as a lvl1 hogger raid back when server shutdowns wernt every server
The raid location will be announced on the day of the raid :(
The raid will be scheduled for the sat 26/01/19 at 6pm (GMT+8 Timezone)

If your interested and can make it reply here, or add my BNet Xh8#1893

Looking forward to seeing how many people like a good mystery.
Due to an incredible amount of interested received I’ve had to change the date to the following day (27th) same time

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