lost and need help?


ok so my brother lvled my 19 shaman to 20 and i dont feel like going through the hassle of contacting a GM, etc. also, he wasnt on a RUIN battlegroup server so i couldnt queue anyways.

so my first question is what class is currently doing well? my lvled twink was a shaman and i have no desire to make another. i also hate hunters with a passion.

my second is can you make a decent twink without heirlooms? i would be rerolling on a RUIN battlegroup so i couldnt take any money, geat, etc. with me.

and my final question is has twinking changed at all? are rogues owning everyone? do hunters still pwn?

sorry if i look like a noob, i kinda am, havnt twinked since the stupid BG exp patch and didnt do so much prior to that anyways.
Rogues pwn certain classes, i believe they are more effective in later levels due to poison and other spells they get like mind numbing poison and disarm. If i were you i would roll a druid, easy healing, okay deeps and if you gear yourself well Flag carrying is an option aswell.

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