looking to join twink guild

heys guys just to start off ive been away from wow for a few months now, but with cata coming up i feel as though i should start getting back into the swing of things, i plan on makeing 2 new 49 twinks through the recrute a friend system to level them extreamly fast when i get bored with leveling up a character to 80. my question, is are there any 49 twink guilds out there on ruin that would be willing to take me in? i wont be needing any help getting gear and i know most if not all the BIS stuff for most classes. i plan on making an arms warrior and a holy paladin...just keep in mind i dont plan on trying to be on anyones "A" team, but i would like to play a few games in the bracket i enjoyed the most in while playing wow before...thanks
check ruin forums. im sure there are guilds that would be happy to take anyone, and others that are a bit more...shall we say, selective. anyways, regarding cata; things will slow down if not stop for an extended period of time just like after every xpac while people try to lvl asap, be it from 80-85 or even 1-85 with a new toon. and even after the leveling people are still going to want to try out the new pvp/pve or just explore more once the grind is done. so if you're planning on getting fully geared and then pvp after cata, just keep that in mind.

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