Looking for level 1 twink guild


Awhile back i started to make a level 1 twink and now i after making it i kind of realized that there no twink guilds on the server and it gets kind of boring being the only twink on the server i am on and now im going to make another twink on another server but im not sure which one so can anyone give me an idea of what realm to make a twink on?
I personally play my main level 1 on malygos alliance. But I suggest going to Hyjal horde side with us in level two was too hard. We're going to try for a come back with the hit buffs from hallows end
well i just came across this website recently and im thrilled to see so much interest in lvl 1 twinks. i am also looking for a server with a lot of lvl 1 activity but I do have my guild on Dentarg with a few active players. we are new (about 2 weeks old) and trying to raise interest in lvl 1 twinks on our server. we are trying to make progress, as gamon and hogger are probably annoyed with us by now, but we need more ppl with a genuine interest in lvl 1 twinking to help us move on to skull rock and higher lvl elites of all shapes and sizes. we definitely are not the best guild in the world! we are just a small group of lvl 1s trying to make some progress and have some fun. we can help to a certain extent and try to keep the gbank filled with the basics. but yea if there is a server with a lot of action let me know but until then i got a little somethin goin down on Dentarg and we could definitely use more. <how is possible> pst me in game add Lifespan/SÃ¥v (alt code 0229)
whoa just checked out somethin on hyjal that might be what everyone is lookin for o_O
yea if you cant find any action /who how is possible on dentarg we at least log in everyday lol
You cant really say for sure that one server has the best this and that because lvl one twinks hide on a lot of servers out there, and it can be pretty surprising when you x-fer a char and find a twink empire you never knew existed. I switched my main character to Frostmane-Us awhile back, made a lvl 1 char to twink him after i was bored for a couple days, and as im running down from northshire abbey I see a lvl 1 who is pimped out in obvious twink gear, i inspect him finding he has all BiS's, i keep looking around and end up finding 7 twinks all having BiS gear dominating everyone in goldshire, then i check their stats and find one twink with 1600-50 duels won, and all the other with about 1000-100, i dont know of any lvl 1 guild who were that dedicated to pvp, oh btw they also had explorer on all of the chars, I imagine there are more of them, and once my twink is done i guess ill find out.
well i can say that <Level Two was Too Hard> has the best geared, highest number of inactive players out there :) We also have the most fully stocked gbank known to man

just need actives.......

pm me on Chubtohd if you head to Hyjal-US and don't see anyone online in the guild
chubs said:
well i can say that <Level Two was Too Hard> has the best geared, highest number of inactive players out there :) We also have the most fully stocked gbank known to man

just need actives.......

pm me on Chubtohd if you head to Hyjal-US and don't see anyone online in the guild

its a dang shame i can't xfer my l1 with its x2 AGM's. don't go around and get too much interst now chubs or your guildies will be arguing over who's turn it is to loot the arena chest.
i think we've got 4 or 5 with 1 AGM, 2 with both, and 1 almost done with his 2nd ... we're doing ok on those :)
on Zulj'jin, i found guild with 130+ lvl1 twinks on Alliance and a crumbling lvl1 twink guild on horde...i would like to see the horde guild grow (maybe some of the guys from the alliance side can reroll some hordies) and the one server could have BOTH!!! anyone willing to try and get this thing going (on one server) reply here. as far as the achievs, i dont know if i'm willing to start over, but we could still have fun with world pvp and raiding (till we lose healing i guess)

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