Looking for active 70 guild

I'm looking for an active 70 guild that would be interested in helping me powerlevel with RAF through duneon runs. I already have both accounts, I just get bored dual boxing and questing to 60 and would love to find a guild that needs another player and wouldn't mind helping with this. I will fund myself once I get to 70 and don't even need a guild invite until then if needed. I have plenty of experience in 19 twinking (although I haven't played 19s in quite a long time) and max level PVP as well. I have a 70 horde mage on a server with no main so i'm familiar with the activity level of 70's and have to say they have been the most fun I have had in WoW in a long time. I already have a 60 mage that I will be PVP'ing with to gear up that I am thinking of streaming my journey from 60-70 on just out of boredom if anyone/guilds wants to see me play ahead of time. Thanks.
I'm looking for an active 70 guild that would be interested in helping me powerlevel with RAF through duneon runs. I already have both accounts, I just get bored dual boxing and questing to 60 and would love to find a guild that needs another player and wouldn't mind helping with this. I will fund myself once I get to 70 and don't even need a guild invite until then if needed. I have plenty of experience in 19 twinking (although I haven't played 19s in quite a long time) and max level PVP as well. I have a 70 horde mage on a server with no main so i'm familiar with the activity level of 70's and have to say they have been the most fun I have had in WoW in a long time. I already have a 60 mage that I will be PVP'ing with to gear up that I am thinking of streaming my journey from 60-70 on just out of boredom if anyone/guilds wants to see me play ahead of time. Thanks.

Look, there is a list of the 70's guild as sticky at the top of this section, i dont know if you are looking for a European or American guild, neither if horde or alliance.

My suggestion on American servers is Retro.

My suggestion for European servers is Back to Seventies, on Draenor, the guild is quite nice, lots of nice people.

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