Looking for a perfect 60 PvP Realm.


Me and a friend are rolling 60 PvPers, we'd be really appreciative if you could tell us the most popular 60 PvP Realm, and which faction.

Any additional information would be awesome, time spent queuing, amount of pre-mades and so forth.

best guilds, realms blabla.

NOTE: Has to be a EU battlegroup/realm

Thanks for all and anywho who looks and replys,

Regards, Ryan.
time spent queueing is the same all over.. as for premades, most just queue the random BG queue and theres no Guild Vs Guild up atm. i know theres a guild for horde on Frostwhisper and Alliance on Frostmane / Silvermoon. but its situational, ive seen quite alot of retarded players from the "active" guilds
Don't know a whole lot about it but there's a guild on Horde Lightninghoof (US) called Daemongate that is recruiting. I know the GM but know nothing of the quality of the guild. GL w/ your search.

Frostwhisper is where you should go. There are both an active alliance and horde 60 guild over here.

I can't say anything about premades, since battlegrounds only seem to be working properly since yesterday.(BG's popping all day long!). But we are doing organized wpvp with eachother.

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