Looking for a class for 29!


I'm interested to move into the 29 bracket and I'm wondering about classes. What's op and so on and can you recommend a class that is not so OP but very fun to play.

I have a monk/rogue at 29 right now. I have fun with both ( specs: wind walker/combat) but I also have friends that play feral and Mw. Now from my point of view I like my ww more than my rogue just because I have more mobility with it not including I can live longer. But unless you want to play a OP class it's really preference
Realistically I don't see anyone playing mage/lock competitively at 29 for the same reasons they aren't at 70. Why play mage/lock when you could pick almost anything else & do better with half the thought & work put into it? As it stands i'd say the only classes even worth mentioning at 29 are:

ret paladins
feral druids
resto druids
disc priest
arms warriors
ww monk
bm monk

Everything else just seems like a waste of time in my opinion.

- Sudowoodoo

Things I find of the BG forums.

I enjoy my lol warlock but warlocks are pretty trash atm w/ ferals and windwalkers
Get double 1 hand mace Eshaman. I just made 1 and am putting final touches on him. Loads of fun. Not OP. But not worthless either.
damn who knew I was famous on TI

I don't think one quote makes one famous on TI. I merely took your honest opinion and posted it here since you are correct in regards to the text within the quote.
I don't think one quote makes one famous on TI. I merely took your honest opinion and posted it here since you are correct in regards to the text within the quote.

I was kidding obviously, I don't think anyone takes TI or it's community to heart.

But ye it's kinda lame that the only viable caster is essentially spriest.

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