Looking for 2v2 Arena Matches on Aerie Peak


hello, my friend and i are looking for some 2v2 arena matches. we are hordeside on US-Aerie Peak. since apparently with war games you can only play against people on your own server......i guess this only goes out to people on Aerie Peak :-\.

we've got several other friends leveling up toons right now, so we will be able to get 3v3 and 5v5 teams soon as well, if anyone else can field those. to be honest, we'd be thrilled if anyone could even queue 2s against us.

you can contact me on Cotus on Aerie Peak, or by responding to this thread. any and all opponents are welcome. also, if somebody knows of a warlock who can summon me to shattrah, that would be great....because otherwise i don't think we can queue against alliance. it would be very appreciated.

thanks, hope to see you in the arenas.
i'm about to go swimming right now (beautiful day!), and my friend is in the process of moving for the rest of this weekend, so he can't play until monday if i'm not mistaken. also, i haven't been summoned to shatt yet, so i wouldn't be able to queue vs you. (i think you're alliance? i don't really know anybody so i'm not sure).

i'd be down to set something up for later, though. over my years of twinking, i've learned that it's pretty hard to get people to commit to doing arenas....that's why it was such a disappointment to learn that blizz dismantled the skirmish system :-\. seriously, really lame change. getting rid of pickup arenas for low levels was really, really a stingy move.
C O T U S said:
i'm about to go swimming right now (beautiful day!), and my friend is in the process of moving for the rest of this weekend, so he can't play until monday if i'm not mistaken. also, i haven't been summoned to shatt yet, so i wouldn't be able to queue vs you. (i think you're alliance? i don't really know anybody so i'm not sure).

i'd be down to set something up for later, though. over my years of twinking, i've learned that it's pretty hard to get people to commit to doing arenas....that's why it was such a disappointment to learn that blizz dismantled the skirmish system :-\. seriously, really lame change. getting rid of pickup arenas for low levels was really, really a stingy move.

I'm Horde, pretty sure I've seen you ingame if you're Cotus (20 Mage Horde).

Agreed. I'm pretty upset about the skirmish system being removed.
what is your toon's name on AP horde? tbh i'm pretty doubtful about anybody else being down for arenas. it seems like whatever was left of the WoW twink arena scene is completely dead. i used to always organize 19 and 29 tourneys on live/ptr, but i don't think it's even worth the effort for 20s. let's be honest: people are just flat-out awful. i'd be surprised if we can even get people to figure out how to queue for arenas.

but please, if you want to play us (anyone?), holler at me. i haven't stepped foot in an arena in 2(?) years, so it won't be some kind of skewed disadvantage. the quality of pub battlegrounds in this bracket is goddamn depressing. let's get some arenas going.
Im 100% up for this (Medanx). We have done many 3v3's on 3+ different occasions, and never saying no to a 2v2/3v3

I have AGM, but wont use the effect if our team setup's are equal.

You don't need to get to Shat to do this cross faction. We usually do them around the STV arena (not IN the arena) since its easy to access for both, no guards and no mobs

Cya in-game, Im back on monday/tuesday (most likely tuesday)
Med'an said:
Im 100% up for this (Medanx). We have done many 3v3's on 3+ different occasions, and never saying no to a 2v2/3v3

I have AGM, but wont use the effect if our team setup's are equal.

You don't need to get to Shat to do this cross faction. We usually do them around the STV arena (not IN the arena) since its easy to access for both, no guards and no mobs

Cya in-game, Im back on monday/tuesday (most likely tuesday)

do you mean that you play outside of the arena system? it definitely doesn't work if you don't play in the actual arenas, for a variety of reasons. so i'm hoping that getting summoned to shatt doesn't turn out to be a huge bitch...
quick question? do we have to be same faction to do war game arenas or can i team up with Med'an on my shaman?
C O T U S said:
do you mean that you play outside of the arena system? it definitely doesn't work if you don't play in the actual arenas, for a variety of reasons. so i'm hoping that getting summoned to shatt doesn't turn out to be a huge bitch...

No, we do wargames. But to challenge the opposite faction we need (like everyone else) to be close. STV arena is a nice place, we dont need to go to a neutral city
I'm down for any arenas also. My main 20 is Stealthylol on Alliance but plan on making another for horde side. Hit me up if anyone needs someone. 2.4k exp
we should be able to play sometime this week. i'll post in this thread when we're ready to play, if that's cool. we can get some 3s going too if there are enough people between all of us that are down to play. afternoons/evenings PST work for anyone else?

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