looking for 19warr FC gear set up

Warriors actually make very good flag holders because of their massive damage reduction and shield block abilities. Some premade guilds use a druid to run the flag across the field and then a warrior to hold the flag on the capture point while being healed from the roof. This way they never miss a flag cap. A warrior FC can easily mitigate 60% of physical damage. If the opposing team isn't ready for it (ie no rogue for expose armor, no warrior for sunders, and no ret pally for surprise burst) this can be effective and can put any offensive hunter out of mana quickly.

The downside to this is the timer it puts on your offense to get the flag return before the debuff.
Grabco makes a good point, druids arent necessarily the best FC tanks after debuff because after that stams value halves and dodge and parry's value doubles whilst block retains its value. Warriors generally have better mitigation after debuff, according to my calcs, and can kite fairly well with help. I havent actually tried this out tho and it a fair amount of theory craft.
fishingbuddy said:
what would be the best gear set up for an FC set?

I wouldn't recommend trying it. Druids will be able to escape from tough situations better than you, so just make a dps warr.
This isn't perfect but you'll want to do something like this.

Possibly a Blocking shield instead of Deadskull Shield, or maybe a Ring/Necklace for a bit more armor instead of HP but this is how I would do it.

character planner . fc warrior . chardev seven
I wouldn't make a warrior JUST for FCing, but make one for both dps and FC.
i still prefer a good warrior/pally for Flag holding. and a shammy/druid for running. call me old school but thts how I roll =D
all points have good decision int hem... and i like how much of you thinks about warrior not being useless like many thinks they are.

like you guys i think warriors are great flag holder and actually i think they are better then druids in their extent. i was leveling a druid thru the 19-29 brackets of WSG and i can guarantee you that being a flag runner that has 40% more speed isn't always the right way to carry the flag across.

run threu the mid field with 40% speed and strickly overrunning your healers and you're in for a great disappointment against many dps that will want your hide. but druids are great for running away and thus can almost mitigate the damage the same as a warrior as long as they stay up and running.

warriors on the other end are better to stay in groups, so if you have a personnal healer with you, then its better to be a warrior that wont outrun his healers but will be able to withstand the dps that will come to him.

so i'm sure both are great flag runners, but it all depends on what will be in the WSG with you.

if you got your own healer, then go ahead and make a warrior, its gonna be quite better then the druid.

but if your gonna PUG, the druid is better for all its movability !
My argument for warrior/pally flag holders is that they are the only ones ever smart enough to stay near the cap point. Seems like 90% of the druids/shammies in ruin spend their whole time running around outside the base in travel form and never make the cap, just like mage FCs at 39.
Grabco said:
Warriors actually make very good flag holders because of their massive damage reduction and shield block abilities. Some premade guilds use a druid to run the flag across the field and then a warrior to hold the flag on the capture point while being healed from the roof. This way they never miss a flag cap. A warrior FC can easily mitigate 60% of physical damage. If the opposing team isn't ready for it (ie no rogue for expose armor, no warrior for sunders, and no ret pally for surprise burst) this can be effective and can put any offensive hunter out of mana quickly.

The downside to this is the timer it puts on your offense to get the flag return before the debuff.

Wow I have to say I'm very surprised that someone knows this tactic. I never see it used in Ruin. It works amazing and have been using it for years now.

As for the precious druid/shammy...how many times have you missed a cap because you were exploiting far from the drop?

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