Lookie what I found ^.^


Thanks to Robert telling me how to find my screenshot folder I've stumbled onto a lot of memories (and about a thousand screenshots I didn't mean to take... Heh... ^_^; ) But I found this one, and I remember it most of all because I had just started playing earlier that day, and I had just done my first fishing daily (Which I had received my hat from, first daily! :D)

So I was in Ironforge for some reason and while walking past there I noticed a yellow name, and it turned out to be Twinkodru, so I fished with him for a little while till my dungeon queue popped, but we were emoting back and forth and it made fishing rather enjoyable, and made my first day enjoyable as well :3

That sounds like such a nice memory! :D
Hope you find more cute screenshots!
Yeah, I'll never get used to those softcore/pve servers either.
Even when I've been on "hardcore" pvp servers people typically leave people alone who are going for Old crafty/Old Ironjaw

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