LOL wow freakout.

sylar said:

so you did what this kid did at 1:11? tried to stick a remote up your ass? lol

I just noticed that RIGHT NOW. OMG that just made this video go from moderately funny (and slightly tragic) to Hall of Fame material.

Good going, kid.
Looks staged to me. Funny either way though.
I nearly pissed myself laughing, I have to share this with my guild, lol.
Looks a tiny bit staged, but that's just cause my sanity cant handle that people get *that* fucked up over WoW.

Still hilarious as hell; props for a great find.
I think I laughed so hard that I broke a rib
Spoiled, rotten brat who needs a beating. Fucking people the world over are suffering, starving, dying, and shit.....and they take it better than he does. What an embrassement.
Fake but lolz

[ame=]YouTube - Stupid angry world of warcraft kid[/ame]
Sure hope that was staged, incredibly disturbing if it wasn't. Sad to think of such a dysfunctional family where a brother would think this was worth recording and posting. Frankly I think this post should be deleted.
Cancel WoW subscription

Freak out

Remote up pooper



Might be staged, might not. I've actually seen people that act like this when they get extremely angry.
vinod said:
Spoiled, rotten brat who needs a beating. Fucking people the world over are suffering, starving, dying, and shit.....and they take it better than he does. What an embrassement.

Easy there mate :p. It's just for comedy, (even though probaly .5% WoW players are like that) /comfort /hug
I'm calm. I just find it so disheartening, to know that...though this might be fake...fact is people have freaked out like this over stupid things. They have no perspective on what is important.

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