lol lore thread

Ive been pondering, 19's use a bunch of named items like Thorbia's Gauntlets and Kellers Girdle, but where do those names come from? Are they just randomly picked or do they have some root in lore?
All the twink items are generally randomized or named after a lowbie character that it drops from. Most world BoE's, however, are just that. Random items dropped. A lot of endgame items, however, are named after lore. Sadly, not many of the twink items you use.
Magefist Gloves is a nod to 'Magefist' in Diablo II.

Only one I know :p
Search for 'thorbia' on wowhead comes up with nothing. Search for 'Keller' comes up with Watcher Keller, who has this on his comments page :

'Most (if not all) of the Duskwood watchers are named after Blizzard employees.

This one is probably named after Aaron Keller, one of their artists.'

Nothing much on wowwiki about either, apart from a special mention that the only hint of Thorbia's existence is that gauntlets are named after 'her'.

Everything else I can think of is named after the mob that drops it apart from lil timmys peashooter but that ones fairly obvious.

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