Lol @ HP


like 23unbuffed (30k bear form)? csb. have fun killing people. if you're a FC, nice. but eh...get lvl 80 and bis 25 icc gear then cream
Nice. thatd be a fun FC
Can't put mind dish on epic goggles (says they already have a use ability), use mechanized snow goggles of the monkey.

And you really need furor and perhaps KotJ (for manacost reduction) if you want to FC.

I'm almost there on my druid, but I'm using BtA mace so I don't cripple my damage as much and can still kill people. Besides you can always switch gear mid-bg if you need to kill something.
i already saw a demo warlock with 23k before 4.01, so i think at least 40k possible with bear form
fish feast says requires lvl 70 right on it
its 450 cooking to set down, it says lvl 70 on it (meaning 70 to use?). i know 19s and such used to eat them but i thought they patched that

oh btw cept came back on his shammy and javert and they're healing me as us 3 just win BGs by our selves in xp on, so fun
fish fest requires lvl70 and 425 cooking skill to place it on the ground, it dosent require any level to eat it

simply invite someone to your party that can do it and eat it with your twink

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