Little gear question

I know my gear is already very decent and I already have some other gear planned. My question is if there is any other gear that I should get that I might have forgotten.

My armory link

Gear I already have planned:

First would be: Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders with the +30AP enchant from ZG (still working on the rep only friendly on my main)

Second would beBatteworn Thrash Blade would be my offhand with +15agi enchant but don't know if it is really that good.

Third on my list is Charmed Ancient Bone Bow with a +3 damage scope of course (unless you can put sun scope on it, I remember hearing something about that but I don't think so)

And then there is the Grand Arena master. I tried getting it a while back (around patch 2.4 I believe) but that arena is just to crowded on my server and in like 20 tries I only got 1 Arena master since I can't find a good person to help me get it.

The fishing boots are hopefully mine this sunday if I can finally get a day rest without someone needing me. And these would get boar's speed.

So if there are any items I missed or if you think there is a better item for one of the other slots please let me know.
personally i would re-ench your shadowfang and stick 15 agil on it

i would also grab 4+ stats on your chest and 8+ agil on your hat, you seem fine for hp but a little low on agil. i would also go for cats swiftness rather than boars speed

and of course the obvious one, ditch the engineering and grab another gatherer
The engineering is a good one indeed. The reason I must have overlooked it was because until 2 days ago I was using Minor Recombobulator.

The reason I use crusader on shadowfang is because I often play alone and this will heal me a lot over the time in a bg. But I will have to look into it maybe.

I think I will keep the 100hp on chest because most of the time I will be carrying the flag and I think 100hp is better for that case. But if I am mistaken there please let me know.

The reason I am so high on health is because of the mining bug. Coming next patch my health will drop down a lot because of that.
ah wasnt expecting you to be a fc lol

youre a rogue, not a druid, do some damage like rogues should ^_^
Trespasser said:
The reason I use crusader on shadowfang is because I often play alone and this will heal me a lot over the time in a bg.

In that case use lifestealing it feels soo responsive with its 4 ppm against crusaders 1ppm but most rogues now days use 15+ agi
elocon said:
In that case use lifestealing it feels soo responsive with its 4 ppm against crusaders 1ppm but most rogues now days use 15+ agi

elocon is right, lifestealing is much better if youre looking for healing

but if you really need healing, grab herbalism, and never forget you have your bandages, if you can lose a player (not hard as a rogue lol) theyre there for instant health
Trespasser said:
When I play alone I do a bit of damage or if there are no twink in the ally team I just cap the flag and hope for a real match. If I do find a friend of mine online it's a lvl 19 priest twink and we take the flag together or take 2 flags camp gy with flag for 20min and score.


and just btw get 15 agi , its much better than crusader- gives you dodge, crit, and attack power...and who doesnt like having a green glowing sword XD?
Trespasser said:
take 2 flags camp gy with flag for 20min and score.

Not a good move. Even when I see a decent twink who's just not delivering the flag, that player loses a great deal of respect from me.

And also, to double the previous poster's opinion, a rogue is not a flag carrier.
a rogue can flag carry just fine. it's just not as good as a druid or paladin in PuG games. flag carrying, especially at 19, is more about the routes you take than the class you are.

@Trespasser - get meadow ring of the monkey or agility, imho the meadow ring of eluding is overrated.


Not a good move. Even when I see a decent twink who's just not delivering the flag, that player loses a great deal of respect from me.


don't gy camp plz :(

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