Litlle help?


Well, i maked a decision. I will make a dps twink!

Why? I got one 19 level holy palladin already. His great- i love him, but... i would like to

get some world pvp experience:) My paly, hit's lower then 200:p

I never played a 19 level dps twink, so i'm litlle bit mess up:(

First i thougth about making a shamy or a mage, but then i looked them up on youtube, and they weren't so cool, i thought they are:p Didn't wanted to mage a normal hunter/rogue/warrior- like all people are

Now when i wached some more movies and i think i will stay on hunter or rogue- they are kinda fun:)

but... i know this is a verry stupid problem, so you don't have to answer i you don't wanna.

I got no idea witch class to pick up.

Hunter is fun, no cd almost, so you are all the time in fite, he got 30% speed, nice burst, pet itd

but in other side, i like rogue, bez he got "kick", nice burst too, and other funny staffs

so if you like to share with me about making a twink, i would be verry happy

NOTE I"M ON 3.3.5

i'm looking also for any not cata guilds for hunter/rogue:)

thx for help!!!


sorry for my bad english, but it's my secend language.

dont make a hunter.
please make a rogue.

kthnxbai =)
3.3.5 you say?

Rogues were a little underpowered back then, but many still adored their rogues.

Warriors were cool, i liked mine back then

If you like face roll go either shaman or hunter

Mages weren't really dps classes back then so don't expect to put out decent damage

Locks were quite viable then too

Pallies were ok

Druids? No.

Priests? No.
Kore nametooshort said:
3.3.5 you say?

Rogues were a little underpowered back then, but many still adored their rogues.

Warriors were cool, i liked mine back then

If you like face roll go either shaman or hunter

Mages weren't really dps classes back then so don't expect to put out decent damage

Locks were quite viable then too

Pallies were ok

Druids? No.

Priests? No.

y u hatin on priests I'd trade these buffs to have my dispel back :D
Warlocks were pretty good back then, rogues were trash and for the most part paladins also.

Hunters and shaman were way OP. Druids were stupid when it came to kiting things though, I didnt like the chase the chicken playstyle. It felt demeaning, /afk.

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