LF Tips


Hey guys today I have decided to embark on an EPlC journey to master all 4 of the healing classes at 24. I've accomplished the priest. Now all I need is some tips and tricks that I should know about the other healing classes! If you guys could give me an idea on the gear I should get etc. that would be awesome! is there any macros I should know?

Currently I am leveling a Shaman. He will be my 2nd healer.
Well 2x guys in my guild got all healing classes not fully bis but still insane gear... go look Gurubashi Surf Club Up on EU Ravencrest... We are a newly formed 24 guild (23) members, ill drop a link http://eu.battle.net...%20Surf%20Club/

Anything u pref to join the guild , was thinking of making a 20 or 24
with shamans its good to recognize the usefullness of totems and shocks, and the timing of purge and wind shear. Make sure to use totems when required to move to prevent wasting a gcd that can be used say for healing. Wind shear is instant and off the gcd and currently on a low cd. Use often. DO NOT spam purge as that is a surefire way to drain your mana. Make sure you have a macro for using purge. Its extremly helpful on priest/pally bubbles, and gw buffs from shaman efcs. ES shud be used as much as possible, while FlameS should be used especially on rogues/ferals. FrostS is situational mainly for peeling of attackers kiting, or helping out a melee class on your side. DONT LB spam as that is a waste of mana and time. Totem priority goes Strength of Earth/Flametongue>Healing Stream>Earthbind>Searing. These can be moved around. If its a 1v1 battle searing should be 1st priority assuming they are in range. EB totem becomes 1st priority if they are moving towards you obv. Otherwise buff and healing totems should always be up in most bg situations

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