LF RAF partner for 60 Twinking. Funding provided.

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Hello, so I'm currently looking for a serious Recruit a Friend partner to make a few 60 twinks. I will be recruiting you, so you have to purchase the new account.

Where: Zul'jin Horde

Guild: Cthun is Harder than LK

Playtimes you need to be able to do: Anywhere between 6pm - 10:30 pm on weekdays, and anytime on weekends.

What you will receive: one, or many 60s depending on how many you want. Full funding on your T1, T2, and you will receive all the idols and scarabs you need for your T2.5 set. Your 100% mount. ZG idols, and your class voodoo doll. I will not buy your dualspec however.

I will powerlevel us on my 80 shaman, so we will be 60 very fast.

Post here if your interested, and then email me at : dragonslayernick@gmail.com

to contact me with your RAF info if your interested.
Mulciber said:
Hello, so I'm currently looking for a serious Recruit a Friend partner to make a few 60 twinks. I will be recruiting you, so you have to purchase the new account.

Where: Zul'jin Horde

Guild: Cthun is Harder than LK

Playtimes you need to be able to do: Anywhere between 6pm - 10:30 pm on weekdays, and anytime on weekends.

What you will receive: one, or many 60s depending on how many you want. Full funding on your T1, T2, and you will receive all the idols and scarabs you need for your T2.5 set. Your 100% mount. ZG idols, and your class voodoo doll. I will not buy your dualspec however.

I will powerlevel us on my 80 shaman, so we will be 60 very fast.

Post here if your interested, and then email me at : dragonslayernick@gmail.com

to contact me with your RAF info if your interested.

So you get the RAF benefits and we also have to pay for the account, sounds 100% fair...
but you get the rocket mount, and dont pay for the account, while just giving them idols and crap - not even dual spec!
Besides the fact that I already have the rocket on my wrath account...

what the hell am I going to do with a flying mount on a pre-bc capped account? I mean really? I could care less. Just looking for some people who want some fast 60 twinks, chill out you greedy people.
Both of us wuld get a free month of wow off it. But I really don't care about that either, I have the financial support to pay for a wow account rofl
hey i wana recruite a friend too

just pay me my account, by yourself a new account, pay for 2 months, rise your char to level 60 (one or 2 chars) and I will give you a smile with my girl priest :)
Mulciber said:
Both of us wuld get a free month of wow off it. But I really don't care about that either, I have the financial support to pay for a wow account rofl

But they would have to pay 25$ per toon to transfer back to their main account. Jeez you have no idea what you're doing.
The point of this RAF is to make 60 twinks, so they wouldn't be transferring back to their main.

Learn how to 60 twink before you post on my thread k? thxbai.
Mulciber said:
The point of this RAF is to make 60 twinks, so they wouldn't be transferring back to their main.

Learn how to 60 twink before you post on my thread k? thxbai.

So they pay for a 2nd account while you get all the benefits, awesome, you have absolutely no idea what you're doing.
This thread needs to chill please. The OP is looking for a RaF partner and if you think the offer sucks just stay away from this thread and quit bumping him. Thanks.

well im sure he doesnt mind free bumps like this
Inkobah said:
This thread needs to chill please. The OP is looking for a RaF partner and if you think the offer sucks just stay away from this thread and quit bumping him. Thanks.


Inkobah said:
Please read our Code of Conduct before posting anymore ducks in threads. Thanks.


i actually scrolled over your link before clicking on it to find that it doesnt even direct to twinkinfo.com. im just not going to click it.
Quelfep said:
i actually scrolled over your link before clicking on it to find that it doesnt even direct to twinkinfo.com. im just not going to click it.

Just trying to have a sense of humor about your trolling attempts. Please stay on-topic now and take all ducks to the Tavern. Thanks.

Inkobah said:
Just trying to have a sense of humor about your trolling attempts. Please stay on-topic now and take all ducks to the Tavern. Thanks.


what is troll?
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