LF Perfect Resto Shaman Armory

I'm trying to get a sense for what the stats will be like. Looking for full BoA's, arena trinket, eagle lenses if possible. Thanks.
I couldn't figure out how to make the lens 'of the eagle' nor did buffs work for me when I tried prior to starting this thread. But thanks, I guess thats probably as close as I'll get.
I see, thanks.
chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

So this is what I came up with so far. The head and pant enchant is to account for the eagle lens and the boot and weapon spellpower account for wrong values on the mace. The wisdom accounts for water shield and the elixir accounts for earthliving and boa chest spellpower. Thoughts and comments would be appreciated.
i never seen fully twinked resto shams at 39. it'b be interesting to see how they compete with the pally/druid healers. at 29 i know a few very good ones.
There are also getting some pretty powerful buffs next patch too. I think they have some serious potential next patch.

- 100 more hp

- Ghost wolf can't be slowed down below normal run speed

- 25 yard shocks

- Earth shocks spell interrupt is moving to a new spell thats off the GCD and Shock GCD

- Earth shock gets a thunderclap-esque single target ability

Patch 3.2 - Patch Notes
"Perfect" resto shaman builds in the 39 bracket can vary wildly to the same degree as the 29 bracket. It really depends on your playstyle. Do you like to run-and-gun your heals, topping off teammates where you can and causing mayhem with your totems? Do you prefer to be more on the outskirts of battle, or in the thick of things? Do you like to pick a spot and anchor it down? Take a good look at how you play, and that will help you determine to what degree that you'll want to stack stamina, intellect, or spell power.


Edit: Ishh's thread contains several great resto shaman builds.
Nait said:
i never seen fully twinked resto shams at 39. it'b be interesting to see how they compete with the pally/druid healers. at 29 i know a few very good ones.

Ive seen loads of gear and few skill...but the skilled ones are really dangerous.
properly played they have always been extreemly effective...the trick was just that there are hardly any talented players playing them.

Resto and Enhance healing are both going to be very sexy come 3.2 and already are from the addition of the stoneclaw glyph among other things. Dont forget the Totem Bar becoming available which will give a lot of mid-level shammys a much easier time of managing their totems.

Also to clarify its wind shock that is losing the global cd with the other shocks, I know you meant that, but I was just clearing that up.

To find "perfect" shaman gear you really dont have to look much further than other healing classes gear, with the main exception obviously being a green tower shield and a boa mace rather than a staff.

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