LF Guild EU - 70 Twink MM Hunter (2.6k glad main)


Hey! :)

My name's Leuk and I've been addicted to twinking for a long long time; my hunter is still getting improved but I promise you that it'll be the absolute BEST in a few more weeks.

For now I'm still playing with random healers in 2v2 (nearing 2.2k rate), but what I really want is to get Arena Master, and my server just doesn't have the people to play with nor does my BG have many lvl 70 teams playing.

Currently I run around in Grim Batol - Horde. I'm willing to transfer to the best guild wherever it is, regardless of faction!

I aim for one goal only: Perfection.

Main: Furikuri

Twink: Jimmÿkíng
Then maybe this is the guild for you : Zendelin located on Boulderfist-EU Alliance , we play both Pvp/pve as well as bg/arenas.

if you want to reach us please go to our website Home : Zendelin - EU - English - Boulderfist - World of Warcraft - Guild Launch Guild Hosting or whisp Víkina ingame

we are only and only lvl 70 TBC raiding guild. we do not invite lvl 60's nor 70+ players. we are social and very dedicated, and we dont give up by the first try .

if I am not around ingame, please whisper Tàce or Sheile , they should be there.

hope this reply sadisfied your post ;) ^^

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