Leystone Lockboxes are not dropping for some?

Like the header says ive not been able to get a single leystone lockbox on any of my characters so far, ive done the Legion questlines multiple times so ive killed a ton of mobs but it seems there is something ive missed in order to qualify for the lockbox drops.

Is anyone else in a similar situation or knows how to fix this?
I got 12 lockboxes yesterday afk farming next to some bots in azsuna but I didnt get any on the 3 huntards I ran through the legion zones for the gears.
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I got 12 lockboxes yesterday afk farming next to some bots in azsuna but I didnt get any on the 3 huntards I ran through the legion zones for the gears.

Can i get some more info on the character u got the lockboxes on? were u lvl 50? have u done the legion quests on that character aswell? if u got anything else thats different from the 3 hunters u ran through legion perhaps i could figure it out. Im sure its not just RNG theyre not exactly that rare :(
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@taurenjonttu I was afk farming on my drood, lvl 24, in azsuna on the murlocs -
Havent done any content in any expansion. leveled to 24 through dungeons and headed to afk farm.
My 3 huntards all were rushed through the questlines fast as I could, only killing what was needed for the quest chains, and looting everything.

I have looted 4 lvl 25 boe epics, 18 lockboxes, and 312 greens all yesterday alone on my drood while sitting afk for roughly 14 hours.
The huntards all got 3 random upgraded epic pieces through quests but nothing at all noteworthy for loot drops.

Any other info you could think of needing?
@Havagudwun Thanks for the information thats enough for sure, based on the drop rate u have its better for me to keep buying them rather than try farming. I must have just gotten very unlucky and jumped into my own wrong conclusion that theyre locked behind some quest or story.

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