Level to 60 On my shaman, help plz


Hey guys, I am leveling my shaman 60(not my 29) and I want to get him BiS to the max.

I came up with this so far:

chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm

Please don't troll for those who are against using BC gear. Please help me fix any kinks to make his performance in Battlegrounds better. I am looking to make him Survive very well without making him weak in DPS.

Things that would be helpful for me:

Stat Suggestions(Goals for my AP, Crit, Hit, Expertise, health, etc)

Editting my chardev

Or any constructive criticism

Like I said, I don't mind using BC/Wotlk Gear and BC/WotLK Enchantments all I am looking for is a gear/spec setup that will maximize my shaman's performance in Battlegrounds in both Survival and Damage Output.

PS: I didn't know where to put my last talent point in so someone please help with that too :)

Thank you very much!
Wouldnt High Warlord's Cleaver be better? With Mongoose MH and Black Magic OH?

Might have lower dps, but its slower so you'll hit harder.
I have the JC gems on my 60 paladin and DK but from a while ago. I have just recently levelled my 60 druid to 70 and made her JC. You can no longer get the JC tokens from handing in Titanium Powder at the vendor, you now need to do it via a turn in quest at the JC Daily NPC.

So I knew I could get it on my 70 druid so I took my 60 Paladin back to Dalaran to see if I could get the Titanium Powder turn in as I`m 375 JC...no go. So my guess is you need to be at least 65 and maybe even 70 to now be able to get JC tokens.

So in answer to the above, unless I`m madly mistaken you can no longer get the JC gems at level 60 which is a shame. If there is any way round this please let us know ;)

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