level ten premade setup and profiles


Yeah, I know that atm everybody starts a level ten thread, don't flame me because of that please.

I was just bored to hell,so I thought about level ten...and I opened chardev.org to create some profiles.

Level Ten Heal-Priest chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-Shield : 44 damage. 26% of base mana,

-Heal: 147 to 169. 36% of base mana, 2~ sec cast

-Hot: 45 over 15 sec.19% of base mana, Instant cast

Level Ten CC/Heal Shaman chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-Heal: 64 to 78, 32% of base mana, 0.5 sec cast

-Earthbind Totem 5% base mana

-Earth shock : 32 -34, 22% base mana

-Flame shock : 21 Fire damage immediately and 28 Fire damage over 12 sec. 22% base mana

Level Ten CC Mage chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-Sheep, 9% of base mana, 30 yd range, 1.11 sec cast

-Frostnova, 10% base mana, 25 sec cd

-FB rank 1, 16% base mana, 1.11 sec cast

Level Ten CC/Heal Drood chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-Nature's Crasp, Roots (8% of base mana and 0,33 sec cast

-Heal : 38% of base mana, 0,44 sec cast, 88 to 112

-Hot : 21% of base mana, 56 over 12 sec

Level Ten DPS-Paladin chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-Hammer of Justice ( 3 sec cd)

-Divine Protection (-50% dmg for 12 secs,every 2 minutes)

-Hand of Protection (no physical dmg)

-Devotion Aura + 160 Armor

-Heal : 96 to 116, 34% base mana, 0.6 sec cast

Level Ten DPS-Hunter chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner


-pet (spider)

-pet's web

-amazing dps (arrows can't be blocked or dodged)

Level Ten DPS-Rogue chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-Nice dps through wingblade

Level Ten DPS-Warrior chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-Harmstring, lots of dps

Level Ten Tank/FC Drood chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

-nice hp and armor

I was thinking about doing level ten premades.

Maybe 1 FC-Drood, 1 Priest (only good for healing), 1 Shaman (aoe slow,fast heals), 1 heal/cc drood (fast roots and heals), 2 Hunters (amazing dps and 2 spider-pets), 1 Warrior (Harmstring to let the hunters shot the hell out of their faces), 1 Mage (sheep healer and slow enemies), 1 Rogue (nice dps) and 1 Paladin

(I believe that Trolls are the best race for level ten twinks)

I really like the level ten idea, since I first heard of it (level ten rogues with 100% dodge :D).

And maybe now the time has come to realise a premade project, because with 3.2 the "exp-stress" is no longer a problem :)

I know it would take a while to complete every class,since AGM is really hard to get...but anyway I like to know what you think about that.

We all know that RS is going to affect all dmg in 3.2 , but it seems like on the PTR, RS was nerfed for low level twinks. If it's just a bug,I would wear a simple black dress with +15 rs on it on most chars,because it would mean -15% dmg, and -40% crit dmg. But I doubt that this is just a bug :p

Ah and I forgot to say,that on every "mana" class, I would wear a crescent staff with 22 int,and use it till the bonus mana is used,than switch to another weapon with spellpower or +20haste rating :)

(edit : there might be some mistakes in this thread, I life in Germany and here it is 5:49 in the morning :p )
Only looked at the paladin, then realized he has a gun :)

edit: I don't plan on joining the level 10 bandwagon, but indeed interesting information, ignore the negative sound of my post, someone has to do the chardeving we all hate.
Cant wait till my new lvl 10 pally is done XD pallys are my fav. outta all lvl 10 twinks... just wish they had ret arua at 10 XD woulda been sick on my old lvl 10 lol
ah sorry, the gear for the paladin and the warrior is very similar, I just copied it and I forgot to delete the ranged weapon :p
I'm sry, but a level 10 premade would never work lol. You would get completely plastered by any competition that you faced.
Cptheals said:
I'm sry, but a level 10 premade would never work lol. You would get completely plastered by any competition that you faced.

Thank you for this TOTALLY helpful post. I am sure the people in this thread would be thankful for the information you provided. Thanks again.
I've been tihnking bout this myself too, imagine doing 5/10 man WC and DM as well. Would be awesome to watch. This looks nice btw, so looking for more information/results from this idea.

EDIT: Why do almost everyone that's setting up lvl 10 twink chardevs use Simple Black Dress in stead of Haliscan Jacket? Armor is armor no matter how high the amount is and also rogues in dress..is unusual:D (for those who use simple black dress over the jacket on lvl 10 rogues, not poining @ author.)
Or if your really lucky and rich, use Formal with runes.

Nice info Hasty.
>< i rly cant wait for my lvl 10 pally... iw as thinking of getting to lvl 10 now and see if the ger i have which is all BoE well give the stats that it says on chardv** i mean i could just turn off all XP when 3.2 hits so i wouldnt hurt would it?
Ironic you would call him a dumbass. They also meant 10 v 19 premades. Why? There are not exactly thousands of lvl 10 guilds are there?
I think it would be very cool to do a level ten vs level nineteen wsg or so. I think many people underestimate the power of level ten twinks :) they have a great potentiality. I'll update the proflies if I change anything, I've got further ideas and maybe I will add other classes to that list ( a collection of all possible level ten twinks maybe?)

(edit) I found out that a dps-drood at level ten might be possible too. In bear-form a druid always got a 2.5 speed, with haste on weapon and gloves,it would be 1.25 speed, that would be 53 dps (to compare : a normal level ten hunter with sharp arrows got about 42-44 dps). In bear-form he would have 60% dmg migration, but he could also removes snares,heal and root veeery fast.

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