Level 72 and non-exp bgs?


Hey guys, I just leveled my paladin to 70 but i think leveling to 72 would be a good idea due to possibility of learning Wings :p. So, if I stop my exp at 72, will I be still able to join 70-74 bgs? I havent seen any >70s on 70-74 twink bgs on my hunter. I just want to be sure :p
You can still join 70-74 bgs, but you won't be able to arena, and you'll lose roughly 16% of your secondary stats bonus. For example, if you had 30% resilience at 70, you would have 25% at 72. You'll want to weigh whether or not that's worth it to you.
Thx for reply man. I'm not asking for arenas, cuz i know there are arenas only for 70, 80 and 85 sadly ;d.
pallys of any spec are pretty good w/o needings wings imo. id rather stay 70, but its a personal choice weighing the 2ndary stat loss vs hp/mp gain and talents/abilities like wings.
I have a 85 pala and I remember that on 72-74 I was able to oneshot people with zerking + wings + hammer (even with resi!) what was VERY fun to see :D. Hammer causes stupidly high damage on this bracket so oneshotted people are like "lmaowtfwasthatzomg".

No arenas... hmmm, that's gonna be sad a bit but hey, there is a 70 hunter on my acc xD.
I highly recommend you to level your paladin. I had lvl 70 ret myself. Ok the spec is 'decent' but pretty much every caster that knew how to play could eat me alive, without having hardly any chance to win. Can't say that the 11k+ hammer crits(5-7k in most cases) are showcase of skill, but atleast it's fun. And that's what I made my twink for.

Holy and Prot specs are playable without Wings though, but as ret you're having really hard time to kill anything. Or rather if you want to be able to kill healers, lvl to 72. If you don't mind being 'outplayed' by earthshield that outheals your damage, stay at 70.
drschwag said:
You can still do arenas with a 70-74. Ive seen multiple 71 72 73 74 teams on my 70 mage.

word on the street is you can no longer join an arena team once you lvl past 70...so if you plan on doing arena join (or rather make) a team before you lvl, cuz after that you can still que apparently.

also calling bs on the one shots. most people have upwards of 15k hp and anywhere from 20-50% resil.

and a 70 ret can do just fine in a group situation. if you know your counters 1v1 just dont charge at them like a bg hero and wait for some support. bgs are a team game
Do not level because once your past 70 so many people will hate on you, and you wont be able to join a 70 guild
Friyn said:
as ret you're having really hard time to kill anything.

Actually I'm winning in most cases as a 70 ret, you just have to know how to play :p. Using cc and self healing is a key to winning.

Falkor said:
also calling bs on the one shots. most people have upwards of 15k hp and anywhere from 20-50% resil.

Well, you're right but with zerking buff you can still crit for HUGE amount of damage on resillenced players because gghammer hits like a truck and before 85 AW is a I.W.I.N. Button. Non-resi players are... well, BOOM HEADSHOT!

And I;ve noticed that the ret pve set from Sunwell grants you 10% additional damage to Hammer of Lolness. Haha! It's gonna be a source of endless fun.

soggy said:
Do not level because once your past 70 so many people will hate on you, and you wont be able to join a 70 guild

That's not a problem, there are no twinking guilds on my serv xD.
I'm planning leveling my 70 ret twink to 72, just because Wings would be amazing imo.

Yes, at level 70, Ret can perform well in a group setting, but in a 1v1 scenario against a resil stacked healer, it's almost impossible without the burst.

@ 70, Ret lacks Wings, GoAk, Inquisition, and their mastery. Both cooldowns are a major part of Ret burst in arena and bgs, and Inquisition+ Mastery is a huge amount of bonus holy damage.

It's up to the player, but I'm tired of not having wings.

I can only see ret going downhill since Word of Glory is getting a 20 sec CD, and we'll still have our same 70 toolbox.
murf1234 said:
@ 70, Ret lacks Wings, GoAk, Inquisition, and their mastery. Both cooldowns are a major part of Ret burst in arena and bgs, and Inquisition+ Mastery is a huge amount of bonus holy damage..

If retardin had AW at 70, he would just dominate arenas. Imagine an invincible double ret arena. Both popping wings at the same time and throwing hammarz into one person's face... Nobody would be able to survive it.

You talk about Inq and Guardian at this level... dude It would be even more stupid than It is now. Whats the average crit of the hammer on a well geared player at 70? About 6,5k? So:

6500 *1,2 (wings) *1,2 (guardian) *1,3 (inquisition) = ~12,1k!

And with zerking buff from bgs to it would be almost 16k on a Brutal target. Oh, did i mention additional 10% to Hammer damage from Lightbringer pve set? Jeez... It was fun to calculate it xD.

I'm 71 now, levelin quickly to 72 cuz i got raped by a winged retbull today.
well you dont get inquisition or mastery in the 70-74 bracket, so no reason to talk about it.

if you desperately need wings then by all means go 72/74, but i dont find it completely necessary
That is EXACTLY what i was talking about. Stop... hammer time!


This is sick. I literally oneshotted a retbull (I must say that i HATE holy cows... ewww. I will hammer them to the end of the world!)
I was comparing it's play style at 70 vs 85. Some specs have a nearly the same place style as their level 85 counterpart. ( Ret however, does not)

I was more or less trying to point out that a large number of things that make ret so good in certain comps, is lacking @ level 70.

Players that come back to the game and play their 70 twink will probably be shocked that they don't have AW, use divine storm, and the whole bit.

I wasn't trying to say that rets should have all of those things @ 70.

But I'm getting offtopic, regardless of what I said, choosing to level is up to you, but don't expect to global people at 70.
incoming WOG 20 sec CD is a huge nerf to ret/prot paladins (both specs i play), i have played around with using it at 20 sec marks and not spamming it....i will reroll holy next patch. unable to test the 30 sec CD of sacred shield at 90 sec cause that is automatic, but that will ruin ret-spec at 70 even more....was a short lived buff.

from what i have seen in my self imposed testing of the WOG nerf.....arms warriors, blood DK's (new lol prot paladin) will blow you up. currently in fights many times have to build and use WOG 3-4 times to stay alive and wear them down. 20 sec CD makes survival rough

hunters (have one too) will enjoy taking you down again. currently i can use a hunters pet against him to build HPs for WOG and work to get in range for shield on hunter.....then repeat working on pet till second shield either procs or times in on hunter again...then finishing move

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