Level 60 guild PVP SERVER


Is there any active level 60 guild on a PvP server? Me and a mate are thinking of transfering our 60s. I got full T2.5 rogue with Death's Sting etc etc.

We want the guild to be active and not full of DK's. My character is not on a vanilla account but my mate is.

So, any tip of a level 60 active horde guild?

EDIT: EU server
There's an active guild on Balnazzar EU (pvp server) called Reminisce, no locked xp bg's up.. but I dont think anywhere there is. We have only just started some pre tbc raiding Cleared aq and zg, need a few more member's, But we do 5v5 arena almost weekly.

If you want to apply or if you want to ask questions in our forum, check out our new website! Reminisce
If your account is not a vanilla account, then don't expect to pvp outside of arenas or raids. It Xp BGs On is the only way to get games to pop.
Woot 51-60 AV is back rebuild time back to weekly AQ40/BWL

Basic WoW accounts only

Have you got bored of Wotlk content .....

Is 80 PvP getting you down.......

Do you yearn for the epic battles of yester year.

We are a new Mal'Ganis Ally 60s recruiting for PvP and some end game fun

With Wotlk having that left a blah taste we have turned to 60s PvP for fun

Looking for a challege on a horde over populated server join us in the bloodlust then .

Weekly AQ40/BWL runs

We are doing RAF for those who need with power leveling through instance 60 in 2 days or less

Also help with rep farming / enchanting/ etc

We are <Dirty> deeds done dirt cheap ................

please contact ingame /Velvettouch/Obscen/ ingame if interested

It is low maintence fun but you must have a basic wow account Malganis is a high horde pop server so be prepared for war . At our Prime we have 90+ 60s


DIRTY of Mal'Ganis
Have you got bored of Wotlk content .....

Is 80 PvP getting you down.......

Do you yearn for the epic battles of yester year.

We are a Thriving Mal'Ganis Ally 60s recruiting for PvP and some end game fun

With Wotlk having that left a blah taste we have turned to 60s PvP for fun

Looking for a challege on a horde over populated server join us in the bloodlust then .

Weekly AQ40/BWL runs

We are doing RAF for those who need with power leveling through instance 60 in 2 days or less

Also help with rep farming / enchanting/ etc

We are <Dirty> deeds done dirt cheap ................

please contact ingame /Velvettouch/Nieninches/Iamfail/Supduude ingame if interested DIRTY of Mal'Ganis

We are intersted in people who want to have fun . We are a up front and honest guild no GMs/Officers taking stuff they dont need just to have it . Since we are as strong as the weakest link but dont think you are going to show up and get Dark edge lol

PVE sucks ? but you love getting boosted
puffdaddy118118 said:
speaking of being boosted, hows combined? laugh out loud

lol but yeah .........<DIRTY> going to start clearing shit on its own

that means more loot for PvP and considering most 3/4 of our members are on basic accounts ......
wat teh fuck server is Dirty from?

is it EU or US! so annoying he never says that in his guild recruitment thread!

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