Level 60 Fury spec advice


Hey guys!

First time poster, but long time enthusiast with twinks.

I've recently made a serious commitment about grinding a Tauren Warrior to level 60. Not so much for the PvP, although I will be doing PvP to cap off the HWL set and some weapons, but mainly for the PvE aspect as I missed the end game vanilla content.

That said, I'm curious to know about the viability between a Titan Grip build or the old school dual wield one hand builds. One thing which concerns me is the lack of + hit gear which would affect my overall dps, especially if I plan to move out of the HWL set.

Can anyone confirm whether TF or 1-h DW Fury is good or should I stick with an Arms build and call it a day?

Thanks for any information. :eek:
DW has the same hit requirements regardless of 1hs or 2hs so i think your question would be arms vs. fury. there is a ton of ways to get hit btw between HWL gear, gem gear, pve gear (esp lionheart helm).
I'd like to stick as close to vanilla content as possible with the exception of TG for fun. It was a tough decision between a Ret Paladin or a Arms/Fury Warrior but I've always heard tales about how bad Ret was back in vanilla even though we're lightyears ahead in terms of the changes made.

Bear in mind, I'm looking into PvE more than PvP to experience vanilla content as close as I can at this point rather than plow through it in 80s.

I'll keep up with the Warrior, although I'm not fond of Prot so hopefully the DPS specs are half decent and enjoyable rather than mediocre and painful.
Daman said:
a ret pally can push out a ton of dps.

classic gear still licks taint for pallys, even 2.5. so warrior was the better choice.

id say prot in a mix of pve tank/dps and pvp gear. but arms can certainly do well and fury should be fine - there is enough hit gear available in vanilla items (ex. lionheart helm - and dont forget hit talent in fury tree) to get that hit rating up - and like i said you'll still miss a lot dual wielding be it with 2x 1h or 2x 2h, the dw hit cap is the same regardless!
Falkor said:
classic gear still licks taint for pallys, even 2.5. so warrior was the better choice.

BC trial for gem gear, DEoI weapon. Insta wReackaden.

Also, fury isn't a good idea unless you just want to roll over levelers, in which case still not a good idea because in WSG and AB you'd get rolled due to very little surv. Prot is the way to go.

Oh wait, you rolled a 60 to do what? GL getting other 60s to do it in a timely fashion and having them not rage quit when they can't 10man Razorgore with their 51 point talents (oh HoY you endless pile of fun 60s that would leave after a week you).
Ohnooz said:
BC trial for gem gear, DEoI weapon. Insta wReackaden.

yeaaaa except he wants to stay vanilla. even with all the class and spec buffs, and raid nerfs, the gear still isnt optimal. oh....and ret pallys dont use reckoning nymore, taint about to solo kazzak
Falkor said:
yeaaaa except he wants to stay vanilla. even with all the class and spec buffs, and raid nerfs, the gear still isnt optimal. oh....and ret pallys dont use reckoning nymore, taint about to solo kazzak

Cool assumptions about everything and not reading the 2nt half of my post bro.
Both RET and DPS WARS can get classic offset gear and use wrath enchants and do significant DPS. I even have a best in slot list of non set gear at home in a file that calculates all the numbers. I am almost done collecting the gear my self.

the tier gear is obviously not optimal for either class dps wise and everyone knows that already. for BIS trinkets dps wise grab a jom gabbar and drake fang talisman (the two trinkets i still havent managed to get) and call it a day once you have everything else including whatever weapons 1h or 2h that you need.
Ohnooz said:
Cool assumptions about everything and not reading the 2nt half of my post bro.

why post the first part then. way to be sarcastic and funny! psyche

more like nice faggotry.

why do you have to hate? if he wants to pve and try to find a pve guild that uses vanilla gear....then let him.
Falkor said:
why post the first part then. way to be sarcastic and funny! psyche

more like nice faggotry.

why do you have to hate? if he wants to pve and try to find a pve guild that uses vanilla gear....then let him.

You didn't even read my post all the way did you? I know he wants to PvE but I'm afraid he's not going to get much of it unless he gets random 80s, which then kinda defeates the entire purpose dosn't it?
Ohnooz said:
You didn't even read my post all the way did you? I know he wants to PvE but I'm afraid he's not going to get much of it unless he gets random 80s, which then kinda defeates the entire purpose dosn't it?

unless he finds a guild that does pve content with 60s, in vanilla gear. shocker! at least let him have his hopes of finding one, you dont have to shoot his intentions down
Falkor said:
unless he finds a guild that does pve content with 60s, in vanilla gear. shocker! at least let him have his hopes of finding one, you dont have to shoot his intentions down

I was in one for over a year.

They don't work because 90% of their roster expect to 1-2shot everything on the 1st attempts and are bad themselves (playing peggle in raid) and will take freakishly long breaks mid raid. It's not a good idea at all sadly.
Wow alot of really helpful posts here! Ones that totally answered his question! *puts serious face back on*

So first off, in terms of 1h vs Titan's grip, there is no reason you can't look at lvl 80 where it's been thoroughly tested (yes I am aware that this is the only way you can get impale, but talents lost in deep fury equal out). 1h fury is simply drowned in the damage from titan's grip. Hit cap is not incredibly challenging to be honest, because you still only need to worry about special ability hit cap which is at 8%, 80 rating is not that difficult to obtain wearing pve gear at lvl 60 (drake fang talisman! bam! 1/4 done). Now whether you want to play arms or fury is entirely up to the needs of your "guild" which brings me to the next issue of yours.

Finding a guild that actually does vanilla raids with any rate of success! Although what Ohnooz said appears to be largely influenced by his personal trials and tribulations, he is right for the most part. Even at level 60, you need to find the kind of keen player that will adapt and overcome encounters that, for the most part, do NOT work entirely the same as they did years ago when gear / consumables / buffs / talents / almost everything was different. Unfortunately, most of these players have chosen to pvp. Now I am not aware of ANY guilds that are gonna field a full 40 man raid, but you will find that you don't need 40 people anyway. When 3.2 hit and they fixed the queueing bugs, many of us were not capped and decided to do some lvl 60 raids with only 60s to pass the time. We made it to Huhuran in AQ40 with something like 18 players, and only failed then because hardly anyone had a proper nature resist set. But then again we also had a pretty competent group of players.. and with nothing but pve left for us non-capped players, we all quit soon after. So that's all I can say really, I hope I actually helped but am not sure I did.

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