Level 39 Twinks. Bgs Popping.? (US)


Hello. I really want to make a 39 Mage Twink because it's the earliest level you get Dual Talents but I wanted to know if Bgs even pop for 39s in US.

Thanks for the Help in advance.

(Server's I should join.? Guilds.? Please comment on that also.)
You can come over to Aerie Peak Alliance if you want. We are sponosoring and have one of the most active 39 alliance guilds in the US.
Oocheechoo said:
You can come over to Aerie Peak Alliance if you want. We are sponosoring and have one of the most active 39 alliance guilds in the US.

Yeh, what does sponsoring mean exactly?
You two be quiet. <the beegeez> are currently recruiting and helping gear or sponser new toons. While we have fully funded a few toons over the past month (cough, neco's shammy, cough) or so they have all been people we knew or had played games with whom had expressed interest in rolling with us. At the very least sponsering means you will get your gear runs, guild groups for randoms, and assistance with the mats for pricier chants. I have an enchanter that is able to do 95% of the chants that all 39s need so no you wont have to go searching the AH or spamming trade. While I am not directly opposed to fully fund a new player, Brumble tried doing this in the past and it ended with him basically being taken advantage of by quite a few people. As I am sure you all can appreciate if I or fellow guildies are going to take the time and gold to help someone gear a toon from scratch we expect it to be played.

If you would like to roll a toon with us I strongly encourage you to come and be a part of <the beegeez>. You can send Ooch or I a PM here on TI or look for us in game. Regardless of where you decide on going welcome to the 39 bracket!
I actually might be interested. I've been making a few toons on my main server but I've run out of room for characters because I have quite a few 85s on that server as well. However, I obviously wouldn't have access to heirlooms outside of xfer'ing a char. Are you guys looking for any classes in particular?
I always say roll what you enjoy playing so long as it is not a hunter :p. The guild currently does not have an active mage or ret, but another healer is always welcome as well, perhaps a priest? In all seriousness though, roll what you will want to play in the gulch. No sense in spending the time to make a toon you will not have fun playing. (as long as it is not a hunter)
Kempo if you play in games with me more often, I will not recruit more alliance. :D

Horde is solid! We need a change. You know this.
other than friday i think horde has been lacking numbers...but the large influx of people that showed up out of no where i think sides are pretty even nowadays
I mean I really have fun playing most toons outside of warlocks so if you guys need something I'm more than willing to make a class that will help out team mechanics/comp. I have most classes already either at level cap or in the form of a twink so i have experience with and fun with almost every class.
Sounds like a nice guild. I was looking at the thread that was linked on here and I noticed it said that Warlocks are underrepresented so I was thinking of making one since I'm very fond of them too.

You say you need a healer; however, and I do like healing too.

I like playing most classes but I don't like healing as a Pally and I already have a Priest twink so I'd rather not make another.

I'll decide on making a Mage, Warlock, or a Druid. Just tell meh which one you'd prefer meh making and I'll start asap.
Voidwalker said:
Sounds like a nice guild. I was looking at the thread that was linked on here and I noticed it said that Warlocks are underrepresented so I was thinking of making one since I'm very fond of them too.

You say you need a healer; however, and I do like healing too.

I like playing most classes but I don't like healing as a Pally and I already have a Priest twink so I'd rather not make another.

I'll decide on making a Mage, Warlock, or a Druid. Just tell meh which one you'd prefer meh making and I'll start asap.

druid heals are very lacking atm, unless you have really good team support around you, you'll spend most of the matches in the GY. i've actually been healing in balance lately for typhoon and solar beam. seems to be working ok, and my heals arent to far off from where they were in resto...sans swiftmend. and nature's swiftness is useless anyway, what heal will you use it on, nourish? pfft...nourish = garbo

resto shaman seem to do very well in the bracket though, as well as holy pallies and disc priests. there is only maybe 1 holy priest that i've seen but i kind of have a feeling they would be more in line with resto druids atm but i dunno for sure.
Oh, well I'm not really that experienced with Shamans so I think I'll just stick with a Warlock then if that's fine.

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