US Level 10 War Games and WPvP Event

Many of the people I have been seeing in the level 10 community have been wanting to do some wargames and a lot more have been wanting to do WPvP other than just duelling in GS. So here's to trying to set up a 10v10 WSG wargame match and if this goes successfully as long as the bracket is active we will more than likely try to do more. The rules are similar to the 19\29s premades but a little different to compensate for some differences in the bracket.

Level 10s Only, no 19s.
Limit of 1 Discipline Priest per team. (Might ban if argued over who plays.)
No more than 2 of any class in a team (besides disc as aforementioned.)
Maximum of 3 stealths.
Maximum of 4 healers.

We're going to be setting this up on August 6th and 7th at around 6-7 PM EST.

World PvP
After the War Games we are going to be looking into going to raid Hellfire Peninsula and other similar level areas, yes this may sound dumb but many of us can duel and kill level 50-60s on our 10s so don't worry especially if there's many of us. We are hoping that everybody who will come to the war games has proper WPvP gear. There are not gonna be any restrictions to come to this, come on all the discipline priests you want to lol.


If you're interesting in coming to either the War Games of WPvP then add any or all of the following battletags as we're going to be the ones trying to set it up.

(Me) Caldalt#1935
(Maestus) Drokk#1182
(Sponsor) Kick#1161​
Oh hey, I can finally send creepy messages to Sponsor.

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