Level 10 Mage


Was thinking of rolling an HP stacked level 10 twink mage, I know the haste would be balling for pure cc and frostbolt. Horde i believe have specific advantages in this case regarding gear.

Question , will i be able to hit level 19's? Surefooted?

Head.> Lucky Fishing hat +10 Haste

Neck.> Amplification modifier/Soap

Shoulder.> BOA Shoulders (+5 resist all(Patch?)/Gladiator)

Chest.> Haliscan Jacket (+150 Hp/6 Stats) / Darkmoon robe of Stamina(+4 all stats) / Darkmoon Robe of the Sorcerer (+4 stats)

Back.> Rathorians Cape (Agil. Dodge? Stealth?)

Wrists.>Savanah Bracers/Featherbead bracers (+9 stam)

Hands.> Adepts gloves +10 Haste

Waist.> Rat cloth belt/ Aboriginal Sash of the Eagle/Owl.

Leggings.> Ghastly Trousers (40 Stam/12 agil)

Feet.> Fishing boots (Surefooted/Boars speed)

Rings.> Slayers Band/1 Ring ( Ring of Scorn : XP Issue )

MH.> Wingblade (22 Int/20 Spirit/Icy) OH.> Furbolg Medicine pouch

MHOH.> Crescent Staff (oh i wish counterweight but: 22Int/Icy)

Obviously im going to wait to see patch.
You cannot get Talbar Mantle at Level 10. Need to be level 15.


Quick Facts


Level: 26


Requires level 15


Side: Both


Start: Glowing Shard


End: Falla Sagewind


Difficulty: 15 22 24 29 34

Wingblade is possible according to wowwiki's exp/level table.
you don't necessarily need to get hit rating to hit 19s. it's as if your spells are being cast upon a level 10.
Druiddroid said:
you don't necessarily need to get hit rating to hit 19s. it's as if your spells are being cast upon a level 10.

That would only be true if he were casting spells on an actual level 10. Level is a variable in PvP spell combat as well as in PvE, although the formulas are slightly different. It certainly won't be as easy for him to hit a 19 as it would be a level 10.

Source http://www.wowwiki.com/Spell_hit
Stupid Idea level 10 twink mage imo, just my opinion lol.

With more and more hunters now a days.. You would have to be insane to make one.
I wouldn't do this, considering most of your stamina will disappear in 3.1.
Wingman said:
That would only be true if he were casting spells on an actual level 10. Level is a variable in PvP spell combat as well as in PvE, although the formulas are slightly different. It certainly won't be as easy for him to hit a 19 as it would be a level 10.

i know that i've played a lower level and had good hit results : /

actually i think that this 'pvp' is for world pvp, not BG pvp. i'm not sure but i think that in BGs it might be different from what wowwiki has.
mehmy hunter used to be a dodge twink back in the good old days when you could get 100%+ dodge at lvl 10 b/c of the way agi scaled.

Now though you'd just be cannon fodder with pretty much any twink under lvl cap for that bracket...believe me....i tried for a bit...made me sad lvling my hunter =(
i don't get why you leveled your 10 twink, just spend 2 hours getting another one up to level 10 :p

stamina stacking level 10s are very difficult to take down. the hunters can kite just about anything, even without wingclip.
If you want to twink a level 10 mage then do it. The way you have it set up it could be pretty sweet and tons of fun. Your only counter would be a hunter I believe. Just stay out of their range hehe.

But just do what you want to do.
nah lvl 10 twinks were honestly only viable as dodge twinks....hence why i didn't see the pt in having a useless twink around after the dodge nerf

you can stack some stam on a lvl 10 don't get me wrong but it's nothing compared to what you can get to with a lvl 19 @1500-2k and you hit for nothing IF you hit

just saying i wouldn't do it...
Loldodge said:
nah lvl 10 twinks were honestly only viable as dodge twinks....hence why i didn't see the pt in having a useless twink around after the dodge nerf

you can stack some stam on a lvl 10 don't get me wrong but it's nothing compared to what you can get to with a lvl 19 @1500-2k and you hit for nothing IF you hit

just saying i wouldn't do it...

certainly a level 10 with dodge would be able to challenge a 19 with dodge more than a level 10 caster vs a 19 caster, but i mean if you're going to make a level 10 you're not going to be beating most good 19s. level 10s are usually made for the fun of just going in as a level 10 and pissing off some puggers or even some 19 twinks. another reason they might be made is if a person wants a challenge.

Yea i can definatly agree i wont be taking down any 19 twinks. It is indeed for fun and a challenge, Also the way haste scales at 10 might make it interesting. The twink would definatly be a pure CC kiting mage, for controlling pug game flow etc.
actually when dodge was "op" (i guess?) a lvl 10 with just agi and dodge on his gear with some stam thrown in could take down a 19....go search dodge twink on youtube. Only thing that screwed up dodge twinks was the fact that you can't dodge magic >.<.

but those were the good old days dodge is capped at somewhere around 75ish% plus has dr on it so no more dodging all incoming attacks forever and ever =(
I don't really see how dodge twink is even relevent in this case. Totally different ball game.
oh i know got kind of off topic....was basically saying that the only reason to have a lvl 10 would be for the dodge twink pre nerf....now especially as a mage i just see you getting insta gibbed....but hey if you can have fun doing it go for it imo
I have a lvl 10 mage in leveling gear (whites with full enchants). Using +20 haste (head + gloves) this "twink" is quite fun to mess around with in wsg's. Don't do any dps to speak of but those fast sheeps, frostbolts etc really can be a pain (keeping Efc sheeped while stealthed rogue goes for ambush etc). So I can imagine if you max gear a lvl 10 mage and play it for fast CC it could be a lot of fun (just don't expect to take down 19's solo ;p).

Yea! i think im gonna make it. Just got the adepts gloves which was a slow camp. Acid proof cloak is a no go due to XP so im camping rathorians cape instead. Slayers band is a maybe for xp right now, dont know how im going to get the 1 ring though. I rolled a troll for more haste.
User said:
dont know how im going to get the 1 ring though.

Dunno what realm you play but on Ravencrest I have 4 spare 1rings and should have 1 or 2 on Stormrage allso. (keep an eye on AH, they pop up from time to time for reasonable prices)

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