Level 1 twink guild on US.


Sorry for the repost everyone but i am going to improve my information on what we plan on doing.

The Good Ol Days is recruiting players for level 1 twinking. We try not to use BOAs but if you got them thats ok they arnt much better. Our goal is to get a high amount of players to join so we can set up fun events for us to do.

These events can/will include:

Gurubashi free for alls- We will get as many players as we can and head over to the gurubashi arean for a free for all match. There will be gold rewarded to the winner. This also can include team plays ie: 2v2, 3v3, 5v5.

Dueling Tournaments- We will host scheduled dueling events in which players can challenge anyone they chose for guild titles and gold rewarded to the winner.

Horde zone trips- We will host an array of events that can include horde camping trips to Durotar, The Barrens, and Stonetalon Mountatins for contested pvp. You would be surprised as to what lvl 1s can do i solo killed a lvl 12 hunter on this toon. so if we get at least 10 taking down hordes over 20 should be no problem. (In the future a horde guild might be set up for arranged matches).

Raids- You may ask what can you possibly raid at lvl 1? Well here is the answer, there are many challening raids set up for lvl 1 twinks IE: Forzuk in Arathai Highlands he comes with 3 other mobs for an added challenge. Or Doomguard summons from a warlock or other high leveld mobs. Level ones are capable of killing these high level monsters with the right enchants and cooperation from the players.

Funding- We will fund some of our members as in providing exp locks and starter chants. It is your responsibility to repay the Guild Bank when you get money from your professions you work up. Or if you make a Dk they can pay us back ( you get roughly 80g from doing the DK starting zone).

If you are interested in this please stop by on Kalecgos Alliance. We have players from all servers and are looking for more. We are growing fast and would love to have additions to our ranks! Thanks for your time and i hope to see you all there :)
But you dont know how much waste of time it would be, you could get a level 1 and solo him if you have the right pots.

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