sorry for beeing off-topic but save answer my pm. also i think eu get pops if just ppl from blnt and Cárebears etc come back and HSA and QITBB also queue. I remember when we had 2 games going each night and i think it might happen again very soon and IMO eu is more fun then us because there arent so many mid fights and ppl just spamming attacks on others while they get healed over and over again. so yeah i would def play eu instead of us if eu comes alive as it hopefully will.
sorry for beeing off-topic but save answer my pm. also i think eu get pops if just ppl from blnt and Cárebears etc come back and HSA and QITBB also queue. I remember when we had 2 games going each night and i think it might happen again very soon and IMO eu is more fun then us because there arent so many mid fights and ppl just spamming attacks on others while they get healed over and over again. so yeah i would def play eu instead of us if eu comes alive as it hopefully will.
ill lend u my lvl 19 DKI wanna que but only have Boomkin/Rogue aka most played shit... also im on vacation taking my time writing this post...
ill lend u my lvl 19 DK
this bracket is "run" by kids yo