Yes, hunters work! I farmed this yesterday on a horde realm with zero horde population, as alliance side was extremely picked over- granted, we wiped and it despawned the first two times since there were zero horde around to actually KILL the dang thing, but that's beside the point.
What I did(on a 60 hunter with no particularly noteworthy gear) was make a macro, /tar doom, and just fly the path, spamming and checking each doomsayer in turn. I didn't do this all at once; I would do an invasion on an alt, switch over to my hunter to check all the doomsayers, log and do an invasion, relog and check doomsayers, etc etc. Took me two wipes and five kills for the damn thing to finally drop.
Also, your damage as a lower level is quite a bit higher than your typical 100; I was drawing aggro like nothing else. Speccing BM and letting your pets do the work while keeping a close eye on your own aggro is the way to go.
If you're not on a 100, the only thing you really have to watch out for is sleeping gas. If you haven't already, turn your particles up to maximum so you can see the clouds; it'll 1shot you if you're not 100. Mind control is also a pain but what can you do; just break casts with feign death when possible.
I'm kinda tired but there's my hodgepodge of information. tl;dr yes hunters work. so does elixer of demon whatever the fuck its called. good luck finding any gromsblood on your local AH though; the local monopolizers have probably figured it out already.