US Legion changes what? How does it affect us?


So again, I've just returned to WoW after packing my bags for a trip to ESO-land back in April 2015. I haven't played WoW again, or much thought about it, until a few weeks ago when I renewed my sub.

So no, I haven't heard all the latest about the Xpac changes, and yes, I have been looking! Searching and searching this site, finding people griping a-plenty, but not finding a link to, nor explanation of, the actual changes that are coming.

So (I like beginning my paragraphs with 'So...') I'm wishing someone would sticky that info for those of us who'd love to find it! Or one of you folks in the know please link here!! Thank ye very mush!
Okay so this seems to be the key thang...

In PvP content, you will get a preset set of stats for your specialization. Your set bonuses, enchants, legendary bonuses, or trinkets will be deactivated.
So with this as a guide, the implication is that there's no point in enchanting our stuff or going for the BiS bracers or whatever? Or is there still a point of BiS gear, just not really the chants...

And trinkets deactivated? Including escape trink?

You will also unlock Honorable Medallion when you zone into a Battleground or Arena.
Well, that answers will EMFH still be a thing? Sounds like it won't matter at all and all races will be pretty much equal in that regard?

Sorry I've missed the fact that this has been discussed already, but again, I'm just coming back to WoW after a year+ out of the game entirely, so cut me some slack, Jack!
Gear isn't necessarily irrelevant but it certainly doesn't impact you like it does today.
Today you can have a 25% advantage over people gear/stat wise, how one chooses to utilize that with their gameplay is on them.
Once the pre patch hits (in one week) you will be able to reach for a whopping 2% stat advantage as opposed to the usual 25%.

You achieve this not through specific stats on gear, but the item level of which you're wearing.
So, if you cap your item level out in your specific bracket, you'll gain a 2% stat increase to everything.
Also, Glyphs are being removed completely.
Not only can you not use enchants in arenas or BG's, but stat bonuses, set bonuses, trinkets etc are all Nulled inside of a battle ground. However, in world pvp everything remains the same as you know it now.

BIS will still be a thing, it just won't be as dramatic, people will have to rely more so on their pvp skill as a whole rather than having that huge advantage of gear..
The math is fairly simple. You look at you average item level in your character sheet. Then you multiple it by 0.1%. So if all your items are ilvl 34, then you would have 34 x 0.1 = 3.4% increase to all your stat gains. Essentially, item level rules. You can control your stat increase by increasing your average item level. I have modeled a few characters around an average ilvl of 52 without grandfathered gear. So that character would have a 5.2% increase in their stats.

There are a few relatively insane item level pieces that you can get in theory from the starter area in WoD ilvl 400+. But their drop rates are extremely low and could take a long time to get.
So what about heirlooms? They all seem to be i34 at level 29. Will heirlooms still be a thing? A useful thing? I don't mean out in the world, but specifically in BGs...

And just so I'm understanding this, the stats on gear won't matter in a BG? At all? Like everyone will have a set amount of haste and crit, etc...?
So what about heirlooms? They all seem to be i34 at level 29. Will heirlooms still be a thing? A useful thing? I don't mean out in the world, but specifically in BGs...

And just so I'm understanding this, the stats on gear won't matter in a BG? At all? Like everyone will have a set amount of haste and crit, etc...?

Yes. Stats do not matter. You are assigned a template based on your spec. Heirlooms will be good if they are the highest ilvl for a slot. Usually this would be shoulders.
BIS Main-hand slot is going to be BoA from what I understand. But there are off-hand items like Huge Spotted Feltail for your off-hand or Furbolg Medicine Pouch that will be better than BoA off-hands. There are a couple slots where BoAs will be = to the highest ilvl piece obtainable for that slot. You could also just go grab a green item that's ilvl 34. But the BoA is just easier to equip.

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