Last minute surprise: BM monk nerfed

lol it isnt the damage of keg smash thats really annoying... Its guard.... 5-8k guards are more broken than 2k keg smashes... and i was just twinking another bm monk...
well better than nothing i guess
well... yeah its a start... they could perhaps change the scaling tho...
IKR?! when WOD hit i thought some one screwed up the tooltip for shield slam... 30 damage..? really blizz?!
But i think prot warriors main damage attack would be hits decently and is spammable
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oh yes yes yes! shamans, time to rise up!
Shamans need to be good at something other than knocking people off the LM...
let guard be purgable!
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what was wrong with tiger strikes

i didnt proc from multistrikes like it was supposed to

Didn‘t proc from multistrike (a nuissance in this bracket) but used to proc ignoring if ability/white damage procing it hit or not (used to ignore dodges, parries, misses)
yeah. it will make it SLIGHTLY easier to fight bms now. Except the 29s.
haha yeeahh shred +20% damage what are they thinking?
and frost fire bolt gone for fire mage...
they should not remove FFB from fire UNTIL they learn the scorch slow glyph... fury warriors have this problem too they shouldnt remove heroic strike till wild strike is learnt
but yeah the bm monk nerfs are a small step in the right direction

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