L70 Druid Twink

I have spell pen. in my shoulders to make sure Cyclone / Hibernate has a higher chance of hitting.

I still need 35 spell pen. to cloak.
Yeah, I have often regreted leveling my rogue from 70->71...I guess he'd be classed as a twink, re-rolled in wotlk but I raided all of TBC on my rogue ^^ So he's decked, was lots of fun while I still WAS 70 however: [char=Dragonmaw]Spooksters[/char]
The gear my druid had was that Undead Slaying stuff from pre-WOTLK event so I thought about leveling him then decided I didn't want to really, so he was half way through a level, then I went to a Kara on my druid, then he got 6k exp to leveling.

Don't see why you even thought of leveling that rogue. He'd own in arena/bgs with a healer. (79s D: )
lol I leveled him because my druid (balance at 80) got a bit boring raiding and I missed melee, but after 2 levels its like...UGH!! I have a level 70 warlock which I did some hyjal on that I might keep at 70, but meh
That's what I felt like when I tried to level my druid. Then I was like, why do I want to do this again?

Anyways, main point of this thread was for people to post their 70 twinks.

The only team arena wise I've lost to is this full brutal retadin and bt/hyjal geared dk. Can't get them ><

Mace Stun is Cool is their arena team name.
I've got a 70 priest that doesn't have any arena gear but I have some level 70 epics that I use to pvp with on the occasion.
Just get some friends together and do a Mt. Hyjal pug or BT pug. Have the master looter make 70's the priority to get gear over 80s.

You can turn in T5 and 4 for S2 and 1.
Ackitare - Detheroc said:



These are my 70 twinks. I'm still angry i leveled Welfar.

I wouldn't like to meet your rogue, or shaman really. How long it take you to get the glaive? SWP stuff must have been hard too.

Your hunter is really nice, I can see why you're angry for leveling him. :/

Your shaman is pretty good also, shaman always give me trouble in duels.
I wouldn't mind starting to use my 70 again. I quite the game in April of '08 so she has what she had then which is three pieces merciless and two pieces vengeful. Is it still possible to upgrade that stuff to the higher level 70 arena gear? I went on with her in AV a couple a days ago and after getting used to a druid again (been playing mainly my 59 hunter) she was a ton of fun to play. Do you guys get AV to come up with xp off? What is the wait like for 2v2 arena?

Here is a link to her armory: [char=us-Boulderfist]Kaialily[/char]

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