Keybinding Help


I clicked in the past, and started keybinding a few months ago. (I know, call me a noob, tell me clickers are noobs) But i have found that me being left handed may have something to do with it. A lot of the left handers i have asked were/ are clickers, but to the point.

What are the main buttons that you use for keybinding spells?

Should i get a new mouse with a few more buttons on it?

A list of buttons and spells going with those would help for me to format a good setup of my own.
Murk said:
I clicked in the past, and started keybinding a few months ago. (I know, call me a noob, tell me clickers are noobs) But i have found that me being left handed may have something to do with it. A lot of the left handers i have asked were/ are clickers, but to the point.

What are the main buttons that you use for keybinding spells?

Should i get a new mouse with a few more buttons on it?

A list of buttons and spells going with those would help for me to format a good setup of my own.

I'm a lefty, but I guess I was taught how to use the mouse with my right hand early on. So I'd guess you'd use like IJKL for movement keys? So just bind things within reach, keybinding is pretty simple.

Here's a vid my friend did, it might help you out.

[ame=]YouTube - WoW PvP UI: II of III (Keybindings)[/ame]

Click Here: To View All His Videos
Binding keys to your mouse is completely viable, using modifiers to use the same buttons in more than 1 way is viable as well. Another trick is to macro certain mods to that bind. mouseovers, alt, cntrl, shift, which ever. The possibilities are pretty much endless.

Now, I'm a righty, so I can't come close to understand the difficulties of a left handed play style with current keyboard set ups, I would probably just flip the important key binds to mirror that of a normal one and work from there. Maybe move wasd to the keypad and other set ups. I've also heard of several mouses that have 12+ buttons.

Check out the macro forum on WoW website. It has quite a few guides on how to create macros to streamline key usage.
ive tried different macro's and cant seem to get any to work,

i need a <switch to dagger> <stealth> <ambush> <switch to sword> macro
Murk said:
ive tried different macro's and cant seem to get any to work,

i need a <switch to dagger> <stealth> <ambush> <switch to sword> macro

That one does not work, and there is no good-working solution either, for the simple reason that switching weapons will trigger a global CD on all your abilities.

I have 2 actionbars, one goes from 1-7 and the one above it goes from F1 to F7. Trick is to make your actionbars as much of a square as possible, e.g. 3x3 or 3x4 buttons, so your fingers are always close to every button.

I play a rogue, I have this build (2x7);


Bar 1, F1-F7

(Stealth) - (Bandage) - (Sprint) - (Evasion) - (PvP Trinket) - (Lifeblood) - (Arena Grand Master)

Bar 2, 1-7

(Throw) - (Gouge) - (Eviscerate) - (Sinister Strike) - (Kick) - (Healing Potion) - (Shadowmeld)


Bar 1, F1-F6

(Stealth) - (Bandage) - (Sprint) - (Evasion) - (Lifeblood) - (Arena Grand Master)

Bar 2, 1-6

(Empty) - (Empty) - (Sap) - (Garotte) - (Empty) - (Empty) - (Throw)

You won't need an addon to pull this off, good luck. =]
You really just have to find what works for you. I like to keep w bound to forward, a and d to strafe, and all my abilities go around them. For example 1,2,3,q,e,s for abilities you use a lot or need to be fast on. Obviously that's a right handed set up, but I'm sure you're bright enough to figure out which keys are near the ones you use for movement.
Murk said:
thanks so much, it helps a lot with switching gear sets.

NP. The only problem I have with it, is that if you're auto-switching weapons, it has a hard time recognizing a duplicate weapon with different enchants.
Hello, I am a clicker too. I am wanting to move to keybindings but am unsure how to break my habits. What is the best way to break this habbit? Thanks for any advice.
yup, i had that problem as well, i would start with a few of your main spells, and put them on spots that would be harder to get to to click, and put easy keybinds on them.

Then once you have those down keybind the rest of your spells and it should be easier for you.
I never use keybindings =/

Just mainly use macros :)


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