Keybind Setup For Disc Priest


Does anyone else use ESF for movement, with SF set to strafe and then use the keys around it for abilities? RTYGHCVBWQAZ?

I see/hear most people in game talking about using 12345 etc....does anyone see a disadvantage to my set up?
Nope, the only issue you might encounter is using the modifier keys (CTRL, shift, alt), but you can work around it I guess. I would recommend adding 23456 to your keybinds since you are just moved over to the right from what most people use.
I use Alt/Ctrl as my side buttons on my mouse. I don't need the numbers, at least at 70, I have room for everything.
Then it shouldn't be a problem. For the most part, keybinding is all personal preference. You shouldn't worry to much about how you do it compared to others because hey, at least you aren't clicking. If anything, you can change your binds later it doesn't take that long to re learn them.
A left strafe S move forward D strafe right





1-12 Naga buttons

Shift of most of those

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