Just a idea


So lately I've noticed a drop off in the 70 bracket arenas as far as real competitive play, and I think I may have a idea as to why that is. At level cap when you achieve somthing substantial you are rewarded, with a title, and with that title comes pride and respect. I know it sounds stupid, but I think that's what this bracket is missing, some kind of reward system for your feats. Obviously people hear of them word to mouth, but I think we can do more. That is why I would like this site to impalement a title system for 70 arenas.

I would be a very simple set up, similar to arena junkies. A small circle with some sort of picture or emblem would be displayed next to the users name and it would be Color coordinated depending on the rank. For example red for Rank 1, blue for Glad, yellow for Duelist, etc. It would also have a Number either in or next to the emblem to show what season it was achieved. This would be displayed in the space next to the users name when ever he/she posts something throughout the forum. In addition to the emblems shown in post there would be a listing of these in the users profile.

There would also be a corresponding title with these emblems so your profile name and the name displayed on your post would include the obtained title of your choice. For example instead of Nukka, it would be Gladiator Nukka. This would in my opinion make up for the lack of 70 arena titles shown in game, at least within this community.

Though because of the actual size of the 70 arena community the ranks would be handed out to far fewer people and in my opinion titles should only go as low as Glad or Duelist. So this is the Rank order per BG in my opinion.

Rank One- 1st for each Battle Group

Glad- 2-5 for each Battle Group

Duelist- 6-10 for each battle Group

To be honest Duelist would be pushing it as far as number of titles given out and the amount of time and energy needed to keep track of them would be quite a bit but I thought I would add it just in case.

Now I of course don't know the technical skills or number of staff this site includes, and I realize this would be extremely difficult to coordinate and keep track of, but I think it could be worth it in the end.

So yeah just wanted to throw this idea out there, I'm sure I'm not the first or last to think of this, but what do you guys think? Any opinions or thoughts on how this could be done would be awesome.
I think you are right with the idea of being no rewards for getting high ranks at 70 ect, however I feel 85 is the same anyways Since the took away rating requirements from arenas it has just gone retarded, I mean why should I bother even going to farm my t2 gear when some guy just has the same as me anyways, just a different colour.

Imo blizz are ruining arenas, Just a joke they are 100% pve orientated and even that is retarded, bet death wing HC is done in 2 weeks maybe 3 max.
I agree, but maybe they should merge it with twink info?

As in when someone posts, where the avatar usually is, instead of pug / member / twink whatever, they can have their twink info title etc.
I agree, but maybe they should merge it with twink info?

As in when someone posts, where the avatar usually is, instead of pug / member / twink whatever, they can have their twink info title etc.

Yeah, sorry I should of been a little more clear. This would all be within twink info.
Yh go for it m8, would be cool atculy have ranks at 70, and yh GL vap lol

... not sure if speaking English or some unknown abstract internet language

But thank you.. I guess? >.>

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