/join twink19 channel

/join twink19

On your twinks, mains and alts, and tell other twinks on your server to do the same.

Use this channel to LFG to wsg, organize arenas etc, and suggest that twinks from other servers you meet in wsg / arena do the same.

When WSG pops, announce it in twink19. Helps keep the interest up :)

Blizzard are never going to give us the ability to watch xp locked queues while we're playing on mains / alts, and any communication that isn't ingame will suffer from the 'I can't be arsed to post / check on that forum' syndrome.
Kusakari said:
or we can get someone to put a chatroom up somewhere, much better

casuals don't / wont / cba using websites, and its the casuals we need to keep the queues ticking over :(

WTB an ingame battlegroup-wide chat channel blizzard!
Bigbullox said:
casuals don't / wont / cba using websites, and its the casuals we need to keep the queues ticking over :(

WTB an ingame battlegroup-wide chat channel blizzard!

Im sorry but if people are too dumb to download mIRC and just let it run in the background then they are lazy end of, im the worst human being ever at computers and even i can use it really easily.
We already tried getting this started up again in EU.

Back in the day it was fairly well used. Managed to get about 10 online regulairy, but people stopped using it again, since noone were chatting in it unfortunaltely.

Anyway, if any US guys wanna use it, feel free. It's open for all non-troubble makers! :)

mIRC - US Random - #twinkage

Guide on how to enter:

Crilicilyn said:
... that will only be available to ppl on ur server doing /join twink19

and on your faction :(

I have thought this thru (lol) and I know that channels are restricted to 1 faction on 1 server in 1 battlegroup.

A twink chat channel isn't the perfect answer to all the problems brought by 3.x and 3.2.2's 10v10 queues, but it does help a little and we need all the help we can get at the moment.

Once a char joins a custom channel until the /leave they'll rejoin on login and you'll get an alert when someone logs in or out.

Yesterday we got a wsg started because of this and someone asked me for a mighty int and healing bracers chant.

I'm happy using mirc, vent, teamspeak etc, most aren't. Dunno why not, like spite and link have said it's not difficult, if everyone used mirc or blizzard gave us a way of chatting to people ingame across the whole battlegroup this thread would be (totally) pointless.
i totally agree with him, the problem is not those who organise, its the casual, his idea is better for its in-game and doesn'T require anything else then in-game content which is what 90% of the population of wow uses !


a twinking chat addon would be good at making things possible, someone with knowledge of addons should try it. it'd be a blast at start !
ArthurianKnight said:
a twinking chat addon would be good at making things possible, someone with knowledge of addons should try it. it'd be a blast at start !

i have no knowledge of addons and i know that an addon that joins people cross server is impossible, if not against the EULA or some shit

twink vent maybe?
Vent is probably the best option for twinks wanting to communicate. There are plenty of twink vent channels that are open to the public.
I didn't meant cross server addon to chat, i meant an addon that would simulate a LFG window but it would be just for twinks, it also could have a window chat where all twinks having the addon would be able to see each others and thus premading would be quite easier on the server.

besides the in-game chat doesn't allow it either.

but i think he's right in saying that we need a way to communicate in-game.

after all mos tof the players does not come to vents or outside the game itself and thus we need to get in contact with the in-game community more !

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