is there anyway to enough gold on a level 1 twink as ftp to turn off xp?


Trying to see if there is a solution to disable xp without needing to subscribe first. I basically would like to make a level 1, somehow grind enough gold on the level 1, and disable the xp. Are there any methods you guys are aware of? I have gone to the extremes of thinking I could maybe raf summon the level one to some mob that drops a high value item, log off as soon as it gets pulled by my main, and then looting the higher value item from it to vendor.

I was also thinking about just paying some eng to drop blingtron over and over for fresh level 1's in hope of getting something nice to vendor. can't remember if it has an actual level requirement
If on Alliance find Crithto in Stormwind and someone who helps you killing it. He drops a grey item, you can sell for arround 50g.
In theory, you can get to the Dragon Islands by ship/airship, then find a chest/bag and periodically collect loot from them.Once you get enough to sell for 10 gold, you can stop the experience.

*I haven't tried opening chests/bags on level 1, it might not work.
Your best bet is to run to a capital & spam local to see if someone would kindly drop a Blingtron.

The loot satchels from them routinely drop grey trash that sells for a pretty penny.
On Moon Guard if you go to the Slaughtered Lamb and dance naked sometimes people will use that toy that lets them throw money on the ground and then you can pick it up.

[Edit] It's not a toy, it's the Big Bag o' Booty which you buy for 300 gold in Booty Bay. You throw it on the ground and it leaves piles of gold others can loot. I don't know if the gold will stay on the ground if you camp your toon. If it does you could put your regular toon and your level 1 toon somewhere in a corner of Stormwind, toss the bag, switch toons and loot the piles. Not the most efficient way to share gold between toons (curse the Blizzard Wizard for robbing us of the Warbank).
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If on Alliance find Crithto in Stormwind and someone who helps you killing it. He drops a grey item, you can sell for arround 50g.
How much XP does Crithto give when you kill him? Just getting my level 1 gnome from Gnomeragon to Stormwind leaves me only 75xp away from ding.
How much XP does Crithto give when you kill him? Just getting my level 1 gnome from Gnomeragon to Stormwind leaves me only 75xp away from ding.
Thats tight, oterwise i could recommend you to get into event dungeon (via NPC level1 can do it) and there is enough of gold. Fishing for gray items in DF was another way but again, you are so close to ding
get the DMF quest and turn in for 5 DMF tickets, use tickets to buy the 16 slot DMF box, they vend to 2.5G each. or as mentioned above get help killing crithto

i would restart a gnome and intentionally attack alot fo stuff to die in starter area, then as a ghost go all the way to SW, go off the coast in SW docks, and die again as ghost barely into black water, that should put you at a nearby or directly inside GY in SW
The Never Ending Toy Chest will give you rocks that sell for anywhere from 2s to 9s and sometimes a pretty shell that will sell for 9s. Takes a long time but you can do it.
actually figured out a way but it does require some character resets. once you get summoned into a tw dungeon via raf you can farm the high value cloth and hope for ring and neck drops since they sell for around 2-4g but all the other greens sell for almost nothing. after testing you only get about 1xp per mob kill while inside, it seems like runecloth has been pretty solid but still required me to do some resets to not level to 2
Kind of a mess but this was taken from just one run, biggest ticket items being rings, necks, the bc gems, and the primal. Seems a legit method as long as no one minds that fact youll end up with about half of a bar worth of xp once done.

If you want the most minimal way of doing this possible just only login for the boss kill, die, kill the boss on your other twink, loot, and profit lol.

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