Is there anyone left?


Is there anyone left on the US servers that log on their 60's daily? Are there any active communities left?

I'm not talking about the 30 minute BWL/AQ raid every week!

Is there any actual 60 community left on US servers?
Is there anyone left on the US servers that log on their 60's daily? Are there any active communities left?

I'm not talking about the 30 minute BWL/AQ raid every week!

Is there any actual 60 community left on US servers?

I still play my 60 hunter every now and then, but there is no one to play with so it gets boring very quickly.

During the first weeks of August, I randomly fell upon a group of 64 twinks farming exp-on BGs, I tagged along and added them up on btag to join in. That was the last time I did anything involving more than 3 60s in the same group.

At the start of the summer, Moon Guard had a 60 raiding guild going on which had weekly raids, but I was barely ever on because of work conflicting with raid schedules so I cant really add anything more on that. The guild is dead now.

Apart from going on the Noob-hunt "lonewolf-style" in Hellfire Pen, there is pretty much nothing else to do PvP-wise... :(

And ever since I have gotten BiS (2 years ago), I have stopped doing my weekly raids. So I dont even do those any more!
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I still play my 60 hunter every now and then, but there is no one to play with so it gets boring very quickly.

During the first weeks of August, I randomly fell upon a group of 64 twinks farming exp-on BGs, I tagged along and added them up on btag to join in. That was the last time I did anything involving more than 3 60s in the same group.

At the start of the summer, Moon Guard had a 60 raiding guild going on which had weekly raids, but I was barely ever on because of work conflicting with raid schedules so I cant really add anything more on that. The guild is dead now.

Apart from going on the Noob-hunt "lonewolf-style" in Hellfire Pen, there is pretty much nothing else to do PvP-wise... :(

And ever since I have gotten BiS (2 years ago), I have stopped doing my weekly raids. So I dont even do those any more!

I know of guilds that raid every week but out of raid times its completely dead. Its looking like a very sad time for 60 twinks.

I wonder if there are any 60s out there that would be interested in putting together a 5 man WSG stomp team..

I know of guilds that raid every week but out of raid times its completely dead. Its looking like a very sad time for 60 twinks.

I wonder if there are any 60s out there that would be interested in putting together a 5 man WSG stomp team..


Yes very sad indeed.

Its sad to go from having 20+ 60s raid BWL together to struggling to get 5 people to play WSG together ...

Here is a little clip of my hunter and 18 other 60s killing Nefarian in Cata. Time to reminisce
I'm currently locked at 60 and hoping to create groups for raids. Now that the premade groups came out it's possible to play inter realm and thats great! Sadly i cannot find anyone to play with :(
I started a guild on Tichondrius, Alliance. The guild bank is stacked with all mats needed to make an OP character. I would love to find some active 60 members for PVP and raids. And if we get that far I will try to find someone to start a rival guild on horde side for world pvp events, arena events, etc.

Battletag = YOYO#1553

If your interested let me know.
Really craving some 60 pvp and some old school raiding.
Twink Dynasty

Im making it an overall twinking guild so any twink from any bracket can join.
But i will focus on classic twinks mainly.
there are plenty of 60s out there and i se a few very now and then on my 29 but they are spread out across servers and every one logs in at different times of the day :(
Has anyone ever attempted just a twink guild? Not a 60's guild or a 19's, just everything and everyone in a guild? It seems like a lot of these communities die due to inactivity, when its not that the players are inactive, its just that they are on other toons and don't know when people wanna do pug stuff.
I'm here :) I play my 60 rogue cutie everyday on frostmourne oceanic server, if anyone's interested Come whisper me and we can arena etc together :)

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