Is there any updated information for level 10 gearing post DF?


New Member
Hello, im starting off gearing my first 10 MW mainly to boost more characters through dungeons. Ive noticed the level 20 forum has an updated guide post DF after the stats squish and there are alot of changes to 20 BIS but ive noticed there isnt anything on the 10s board about changes. Are we still meant to be still spamming Draenor dungeons for BIS warforged or have things changed? I can see the ilvl has dropped to 29 on the warforged gear, is this high enough? Just wanted to ask before I spend more time in the dungeons and im honestly so new to this I need all the guidance I can find, thanks!
Hey there. WoD warforged gear is mostly a thing of the past now due to shifts in scaling and stats. It's still good, but often not BIS, and not normally worth the time investment. Now it's about getting TBC socket gear and gemming it out with SL gems to stack for speed (and for Vets, hp regen).

As to seeing little mention of 10s, I'm not an expert on the 10s scene, but I have a pretty good idea. When the scaling shifted, both 20s and 10s lost a portion of their oomph. This means level 10s are still fairly strong, but not like they were, and the gap between 10s and 20s has shrunk. That said, a MW Monk with Lifesteal will still do all right, but it'll take some time to clear dungeons even when fully geared.
Hey there. WoD warforged gear is mostly a thing of the past now due to shifts in scaling and stats. It's still good, but often not BIS, and not normally worth the time investment. Now it's about getting TBC socket gear and gemming it out with SL gems to stack for speed (and for Vets, hp regen).

As to seeing little mention of 10s, I'm not an expert on the 10s scene, but I have a pretty good idea. When the scaling shifted, both 20s and 10s lost a portion of their oomph. This means level 10s are still fairly strong, but not like they were, and the gap between 10s and 20s has shrunk. That said, a MW Monk with Lifesteal will still do all right, but it'll take some time to clear dungeons even when fully geared.
Thank you for the reply. In your opinion do you think I would I be better off investing my time in gearing a level 20? I just want to use it to boost a number of chars through dungeons
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It's a tradeoff and depends on the class and dungeon. In your case with the MW Monk, you've made a solid pick. Monks in general still hold up pretty well. If you plan on using your tank or dps spec, I'd recommend hitting 20 for the extra abilities and talents. But if you plan on staying MW and crane kick spamming the npcs into oblivion, I'd lock at 10 for that little bit extra base damage.

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