Is there a way to skip the wod opening quest on a new account?


I could have sworn I saw someone just pick it up and then disbanded right away opening the portal. I just don't wanna brick another character lol, currently almost finished on my 2nd warrior after bricking my other one due to the shadowlands quest.
Pick up the "Tanaan Jungle" quest from Heroes Call Board.
Portal to Stormshield (in SW mage tower).
If portal is not usable, try switching to Draenor timeline.

If that still works, highly recommend that you do the short questline to open your garrison and get the hearthstone:
Fly to western Shadowmoon Valley and find Khadgar (marked on map with a quest icon)
ignore my question I figured it out.

Just incase someone else comes across this: Yes, you can skip it even on a new account just abandoned the tw quest it gives you right after accepting it. Take the portal to ash and you should be all good.
I think doing this (Skipping the questline) makes Necrotic wake only drop gear that requires level 50 to equip.
The opening questline takes less than 30 minutes I would just knock it out and be done with it.
I think doing this (Skipping the questline) makes Necrotic wake only drop gear that requires level 50 to equip.
The opening questline takes less than 30 minutes I would just knock it out and be done with it.
This is not true. Skipping WOD quest lines is fine and does not impact shadowlands

You can skip the WOD intro quests safely, have garrison and keep the wod intro quests for iron horde rejuv potion farming if you so desire

The shadowlands skip issue is the skip offered in oribos, the 2nd skip if you took the skip in stormwind/org
I think doing this (Skipping the questline) makes Necrotic wake only drop gear that requires level 50 to equip.
The opening questline takes less than 30 minutes I would just knock it out and be done with it.
If you're levelling there's absolutely no reason to skip the WoD intro. It's arguably the best XP in the game. So if you're creating a level 20 twink, do the WoD intro at 10. For 10-11 twinks you obviously don't want to level. The garrison HS is incredibly useful.

As someone else noted, you can abandon the quest and enter the portal to kinda skip the intro. I think I tried this once to confirm this but IIRC it creeates some weirdness around your Draenor zones. I can't remember the details. I tend to try and avoid weird phasing issues because there are enough of them already, like having to debug why you can't sail to the other BFA continent or why a BFA questline prevents you from completing the Mount Hyjal quest lines.
If you're levelling there's absolutely no reason to skip the WoD intro. It's arguably the best XP in the game. So if you're creating a level 20 twink, do the WoD intro at 10. For 10-11 twinks you obviously don't want to level. The garrison HS is incredibly useful.

As someone else noted, you can abandon the quest and enter the portal to kinda skip the intro. I think I tried this once to confirm this but IIRC it creeates some weirdness around your Draenor zones. I can't remember the details. I tend to try and avoid weird phasing issues because there are enough of them already, like having to debug why you can't sail to the other BFA continent or why a BFA questline prevents you from completing the Mount Hyjal quest lines.
Is there a fix for the boralus Boat yet?

As for OP, just go into wod timeline, go to dark portal, abandon your wod quest (DO NOT ACCEPT QUEST FROM KHADGAR) and just walk thru the dark portal. You will be teleported to draenor where the boat crashes in shdaowmoon valley/frostfire ridge, and immediately start building the garrison. Take the 3-5 minutes to build your garrison and boom, youve got garrison hearthstone and can do whatever you want. It does not cause any problems.

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