Why does there need to be a separate one just for EU? Is EU gear different than everyone else's in the world? Being on the armory page is not an award. All it is is a reference. That is it. Having two is redundant. No reason to get your panties in wad if your name is not on an armory. Hell, I don't even bother submitting any of my characters. You know why? Because I don't care if they are on a list. It means NOTHING. It is just used for reference. And many times people are going to post what is BiS for what before looking there anyway.
Just politely PM the OP(or post in the thread)of the armory thread asking them to include you on the all inclusive armory thread. Make sure your link is linked to the 'advanced' version, not the plain version. If you have unusual gear explain why. Simple as that. If we already 5 of one class with the same gear set as yours, there really is no use in posting your character, now is there? It is nothing personal.
There is no real reason to have a special snowflake armory just to appease those that got 'left off' of the other list.
Why does there need to be a separate one just for EU? Is EU gear different than everyone else's in the world? Being on the armory page is not an award. All it is is a reference. That is it. Having two is redundant. No reason to get your panties in wad if your name is not on an armory. Hell, I don't even bother submitting any of my characters. You know why? Because I don't care if they are on a list. It means NOTHING. It is just used for reference. And many times people are going to post what is BiS for what before looking there anyway.
Just politely PM the OP(or post in the thread)of the armory thread asking them to include you on the all inclusive armory thread. Make sure your link is linked to the 'advanced' version, not the plain version. If you have unusual gear explain why. Simple as that. If we already 5 of one class with the same gear set as yours, there really is no use in posting your character, now is there? It is nothing personal.
There is no real reason to have a special snowflake armory just to appease those that got 'left off' of the other list.
Making a Eu armory coz I don’t think on US you guys have any MMS hunts nor Enh shamans as none are on the armory and all you got is combat rogues? no other specs? and uhm 0 Fury warriors and we got these on EU so yeah and there are people out there who play them
However, do we need over 10 of the same spec and four of them have 1 HKs between them?
The armory is there to have people see a few examples of characters. Not every members characters on TI. If they wanted to that all they would have to do is look at someone's signature. Some people have 10-15 characters linked in them.
The issue is, people are getting their feelings hurt because they feel they did not "make the list". When, in fact, that is probably not the case. We already had an example with that spec and same gear. At least that is how it works in the other brackets.
Just because someone's character's name is not on the armory, does not necessarily mean the that someone's character is not "good enough". It just means that there is another one(or two) are already up there. We only have so many different "BiS" gear sets available.
In the case of the EU list. Everyone is included. Unfortunately, this water-downs the list. Because there are so many of the same spec with many of them have the same gear sets. And many of the have never even set foot in a BG. Not even when leveling. Which means they can't have the battle standard. Which is essential in a BG. They don't have professions. Having none of this makes them 'viable' twinks. Someone just leveled a toon up to 19 and slapped some enchanted gear on it and labeled it a "twink", when in fact they are not. Some of the don't even have their Heirlooms equipped. That is another reason why some of you may not have "made the list". People have to have "real twinks". Not one that put together on a moments notice.
If us has x but not y and eu has y but not x... why do you want to make seperate armories?
Why does there need to be a separate one just for EU? Is EU gear different than everyone else's in the world? Being on the armory page is not an award. All it is is a reference. That is it. Having two is redundant. No reason to get your panties in wad if your name is not on an armory. Hell, I don't even bother submitting any of my characters. You know why? Because I don't care if they are on a list. It means NOTHING. It is just used for reference. And many times people are going to post what is BiS for what before looking there anyway.
Just politely PM the OP(or post in the thread)of the armory thread asking them to include you on the all inclusive armory thread. Make sure your link is linked to the 'advanced' version, not the plain version. If you have unusual gear explain why. Simple as that. If we already 5 of one class with the same gear set as yours, there really is no use in posting your character, now is there? It is nothing personal.
There is no real reason to have a special snowflake armory just to appease those that got 'left off' of the other list.
that question should prob be addressed at the US ppl that seem to have a crusade goin for not including EU armories in the stickied threads.
Best example is in 39s section I linked a BiS destro lock, didnt get on the list with a bad excuse of "we have enough of that spec" which is funnny AF if you go check the armory on the only lock linked under destro.. idiots dont even try anymore to disguise their blatant nationalistic superiority complexes.. its kindda fun and sad at the same time..
It seems sir, that you have what we call in my profession, the 'victim mentality'. As do many people on this site. If you do not know what it is, I suggest you look it up using your favorite Internet search engine.
Because as you see, the person "running" the 39's isn't even an American.
And even in your own post you confirmed my suspicions that they already had enough of that spec. There is no reason to get all upset because your little digital character did not make it on some list you submitted to. Why would you even care? We all know these some of lists(not all) are made up of circle-jerk friends anyway. It is better if you DON'T make the list.
i love you
Why would I care what nationality the OG poster of the thread is,