Is there a consensus on best trinket combo for Fury?

We have so many warriors running around out there has anyone narrowed down a new BiS for trinkets?
Including the 2 equipped I have a total of 11 trinkets on me.
And I have absolutely no clue whats the best combo to use.
I guess part of the issue is theres still no real consensus on stat priorities, with heavy crit, haste, and vers builds all performing very well.
I even considered doing a training dummy DPS test but thats like 100 tests if I try every single trink combination.

So whats everyone rockin?
Just use raidsims
Are there any raidsims that actually scale down to even 20's, let alone 10's accurately? Even if there are, the results of 5mins against patchwork or whatever are not necessarily going to be relevant to PVP (if that's what BoatsAndHoes is interested in).

Sorry I can't be more helpful OP, I don't know anything about 10's and I've been having the same question for 20's.
My default two trinkets are currently and since I often forget to use any on-use trinkets.

If I'm farming a single boss I sub one of them for for the burst damage. I don't think any other trinket currently comes close to this one for targeted burst damage, second place would probably go to and due to the 1 minute CD is better for full clears of a dungeon.
Just use raidsims
Yeah sadly a sim will just not worrk for us. I tried hard to make it work but its a no go. For instance, i changed my stats around to gain 2 haste and gained 50 dps in game. From the sim it should have been a wash. Only way to know is in game testing.

Rahn's suggestions are solid choices.
I would say the Ghost Dragon trinket but I don't think that's available for 10s.
-But I prefer Greka's Denture's for some high raw Strength (I usually dont have it on since it procs too quick for my liking, I save it for boss encounters.)
-Enforcer's Stunt Grenade is my favorite, can't go wrong with high Vers buff.
-The Spore trinket from Overgrowth is really nice for my Haste combo on Fury Warr.
-Nightmare Eggshell is also good rocking with the Spore trinket giving me a lot of haste, it procs nicely, not too rare nor too often but enough.
Not the best kinds but they're my favorite. The spore/eggshell is fun, racking up 90 then 80 haste.

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