Is The Underlight Angler Obtainable On Vet?

Nope, the quest is not available at lvl 20, tested it.
But There's a rod You can buy in Oribos (ask for a warlock summon) that gives +15 fishing skill, bis for fishing
Hey all, just wondering if anyone knows if the Underlight angler is obtainable. Looking for shit to do to kill time on my Vet
Though you may only complete 2 of the 3 dailies for them, you certainly can rep-grind for the ; which is very nearly as good &, imo, looks way WAY better. It still allows for underwater breathing as well.
You may also want to pound brews & run dailies with yer boy Nat till he drunkenly hands over .
I rather enjoyed heading out there to Krasarang for that meself.
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