Is insulting necessary?

Is Insulting Necessary?

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Tom Ganks

Im not talking about calling people "f*gs" or childish statements. Im talking about slapping some common sense into people's faces in a proper manor. For instance, when I see a player with good gear playing like a complete idiot or not paying attention to the objective, I wont hold back to throw some dirt in their face, even in BG chat. I might say something like "(enter name), I admit you have decent gear and all, but you completely suck at the game/don't know how to play CTF." Or if I see someone with shit gear or even a couple boa with inferior green gear along with it, I might whisper them some advice, but if they reply with a sarcastic or smartass remark, I'll simply tell them "fine, continue to get your ass kicked when everyone around you knows what a certain tool called 'google' is".
I know a lot of people here refrain from talking trash to keep a solid reputation, but is it all that bad to do this to people who completely deserve it? Hell you might just help the bracket out by telling them they suck and pointing out the obvious.
I know you may think the person is ignorant, but we're all human here, and even ignorant people learn things from tough love. Although I may not be ignorant, it's the insults and trash talk is what made me the better player I am today.

So the poll here is, who thinks it's necessary, and who thinks it isn't? There wont be an "i don't care" option because everyone secretly does it or hates it.

Poll will be public

edit: Please feel free to discuss why you think it is or isn't below.
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I know, and given the situation, is it or is it not worth ignoring?

I would say it is worth it. Sometimes some players need to hear what they are doing wrong. For a long time, I wasn't exactly useful in situations. Due to people letting me know or speaking up, I have learned how to optimize my gameplay.
It was an error /hidesface

edit: I send in a report asking for move :p
Or don't say anything at all, and just play the game?
No, insulting is not necessary. In fact most people will stop listening if you start insulting.

I agree, people should learn, and if they choose to remain ignorant when you try to help them, then you've done all you can. But straight up insulting someone for having bad gear or play-style makes you no better than them.

Keep the insults in-game and we're all good :)
No, insulting is not necessary. In fact most people will stop listening if you start insulting.

I agree, people should learn, and if they choose to remain ignorant when you try to help them, then you've done all you can. But straight up insulting someone for having bad gear or play-style makes you no better than them.

Keep the insults in-game and we're all good :)


edit: Please feel free to discuss why you think it is or isn't below.

I don't think what the OP describes is insulting, but saying 'you suck' while trying to help some one is normally counter-productive. Lots of people will take even the most constructive criticism the wrong way and some people who play WoW clearly don't give a shit about getting better - they just want to have fun.

If you see some one a few times and they still aren't geared or play their class wrong, go ahead and ASK if they would like some help, but don't impose your ideas/ethics on them if they just want to goof off after work/school.
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I don't think what the OP describes is insulting, but saying 'you suck' while trying to help some one is normally counter-productive. Lots of people will take even the most constructive criticism the wrong way and some people who play WoW clearly don't give a shit about getting better - they just want to have fun.

If you see some one a few times and they still aren't geared or play their class wrong, go ahead and ASK if they would like some help, but don't impose your ideas/ethics on them if they just want to goof off after work/school.

u think insulting in wow is bad u havent seen anything =D
nah man. insults are for the birds. I try to live by this and those moments I can't are the times I realize that I should probably log off and take a nap or do something more productive than play a game. The moment I get frustrated enough to trash somebody is the moment I have defeated the purpose of playing a video game. Relaxation. Not stress. If people take positive criticism harshly (as I myself do) then I should probably leave it alone. Don't live by this 100% of the time though, I do my best to try. There are some true mongoloid folk who play this game (see I'm doing it.) I try to let it go.

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