Instance Runs

From the day 2 report on the guild:
Members, use the forums to request runs. List what you dungeons and what gear you need. If you need gear, I am not making any promises, but throw a BOE request in the request forum too.

Figure I might start a thread about this.

I desire seal of sylvanass and girdle of the blindwatcher, so an SFK run or two would be great. Also, I'd love to have WC runs for boots and leggings of the fang.

Not really forcing it on anyone, especially since I don't have a DK, but it's well appreciated :)
Next week, I will be doing runs on my DK once I hit 80 if that helps you out Druid :).
I am bringing over a 70 Rogue - not the best instance farming class, but good enough to handle WC and SFK (I think /wink) I should be doing this either tonight or tomorrow.
Incoming dozens of BoE requests for Shadowfang.
I hit 60 on my DK Shugardaddy yesterday and took a test run through SFK. He did well and I plan on helping out with 1 or 2 instance runs a night. Hit me up if you see me on and let me know what dungeon you need.
i plan to roll a something

anything would be cool with me. What should i make?

i'm rolling a DK so i wont need a ton of funding, but i may need some g's or some runs now and then

suggestions on race/class?

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