INC, wave of druid/shammys

Ummm... thats like all i have to say. If this patch goes live, witch it proababaly will, People are gonna be rolling druids/shammy's like never b4. its gonna be like the new hunter poupulation and its not gonnna be fun. and soon as we start seeing more druids/bad hunters/decent shammys, everyone will be like "OMG they are good i want one like that, then we start getting horribad twinks that use to be the rogues/bad hunters. not saying its gonna be bad its just that too many of any class is annoying like in the hunter case.

Hunters wont be that bad because aspect of daze and mostly every class has a ranged throw to daze em for what 3-5 sec? and shammys will never be weak because of purj and the wide viraty of totems/abilities.

Druids are a good class when played well and can kite like no other. Now they are gonna get travel form. Imagine this. usually a druid roots runs about half distance they can run and cast a heal or wrath or something, now they can runn full distance and root and repeat. druids will be unkill able by most classes. they cant be slowed either because travel form will fix that. And when flag carrying you wont get that armor/stam buff in bear form if you running around in travel. Some bad druids wont make it some good ones will if they know how to play their class right.

And i know that blizzard has no means of balancing it out because honestly if u look at it what did blizzard do to twinks that wasnt intentionally ment to be? what did they take away that wasnt ment to be? exactly not much. librams and leg enchants werent ment for lvl's <40 and 100 hp to chest wasnt that bad. so i think giving us something intentionally, they wont take away intentionally... if people QQ its not going to help becasue what is blizzard gonna do bring them up to lvl 20? with the mounts. that will give them no use.

But in generall, shammys/druids cant go indoors with theese abilities. hunters can but aspect of the daze wont be fun. Rogues and wars will be good at indoors still they will just need to work hard to keep up with the game

Thats all i have to say and sorry for my bad grammar at times.
This patch was the reason I moved my sham back to the top of my "twinks that need to be finished" list
Funny, I just got done asking which new caster class to make, I picked Druid and now they release this. Nobody is ever gonna believe Im not a Banwagon hopper. -.-
yeah many people do that then are like "omg im getting buffed" ,"i better finish this druid then" lol

i dont look forward to this even though im getting Huge buff
Diiesel said:
Funny, I just got done asking which new caster class to make, I picked Druid and now they release this. Nobody is ever gonna believe Im not a Banwagon hopper. -.-

I'm in a similar boat. I've been playing against some aggravating shammies lately and wanted to see how the healing compared to my priest. I rolled one the night before the patch notes came out. I know it'll look like I'm one of the many just jumping on the latest hottness, but I don't care. I'm going to need that GW to keep up with whatever new druid is our FC.
shamans and druids are gonna be the #1 healers now because they can keep themselfs alive at a safe range and keep up with FC's "Proababaly again druid.."
It may indeed lead to a shift in dynamics - Back towards flag defense occuring inside, in the FR, rather than at the various exits to a base (as it seems to be now).
darzk said:
It may indeed lead to a shift in dynamics - Back towards flag defense occuring inside, in the FR, rather than at the various exits to a base (as it seems to be now).


any other opionions
This patch will just take some power away from rogues and disperse it to other classes, I like it but they should give pallies their Hand of Reckoning back as we don't have any ranged abilities past 10yds to interupt AotC
Grabco said:
This patch will just take some power away from rogues and disperse it to other classes, I like it but they should give pallies their Hand of Reckoning back as we don't have any ranged abilities past 10yds to interupt AotC

I agree, won't be able to catch hunters, won't be able to escape hunters. 1v1 vs any reasonable hunter will be impossible unless they are lacking in both arms, legs and a nose to press keys with.
Ardent said:
I agree, won't be able to catch hunters, won't be able to escape hunters. 1v1 vs any reasonable hunter will be impossible unless they are lacking in both arms, legs and a nose to press keys with.

IMO hunters will be the same just a lil faster running downfeild.. if u get 1 small hit or anything off of them they are dazed.. imo a change for the better
Not sure what the qq is.. you catch up to the hunter and its over.. just like always. I wont go cheetah if you are close to me.. thats just asking to get dazed and owned. I wont go cheetah to kite you either.. I lose a lot of AP doing that and if you throw at me and I get hit .. one again I am dazed. The only reason I will use cheetah is if I need to get the flag quickly in order to stop a cap, get across midfield/catch up to an FC, or if I need to get places like the AH etc. Thats it.
i for one am somewhat glad about this buff. I see it as a much needed buff to twink hybrids like shamans and druids which have been lacking over the past few years as twinks aside from supporting. It will now allow them to be seen as great casters, and great utility/flag runners that I think they are due. I am glad hunters get aspect of the cheetah as it will just prove to be a hinderance I think more so then a help with the daze effect. This also means that for once a few casters classes will be seen as good at 19, and not every scrub will be rolling rogue or huntards.
I think experianced druids will be the hardest class in 19 bracket to kill/kite now. Any opionions?
Ugarak said:
i for one am somewhat glad about this buff. I see it as a much needed buff to twink hybrids like shamans and druids which have been lacking over the past few years as twinks aside from supporting. It will now allow them to be seen as great casters, and great utility/flag runners that I think they are due. I am glad hunters get aspect of the cheetah as it will just prove to be a hinderance I think more so then a help with the daze effect. This also means that for once a few casters classes will be seen as good at 19, and not every scrub will be rolling rogue or huntards.

how are shaman lacking? they are the best class there is at influencing the outcome of a wsg or arena match. and now well played hunters will be near unkillable. there is no hinderance gaining cheetah on a smart hunter. however retarded hunters just became free kills.
Ugarak said:
i for one am somewhat glad about this buff. I see it as a much needed buff to twink hybrids like shamans and druids which have been lacking over the past few years as twinks aside from supporting. It will now allow them to be seen as great casters, and great utility/flag runners that I think they are due. I am glad hunters get aspect of the cheetah as it will just prove to be a hinderance I think more so then a help with the daze effect. This also means that for once a few casters classes will be seen as good at 19, and not every scrub will be rolling rogue or huntards.

idk where you've been but my shammies have been able to take down any class 1vs1 since 3.1
kablam said:
idk where you've been but my shammies have been able to take down any class 1vs1 since 3.1

Yeah. Hunters are a pain in the rear but you have all the advantages, if you lose (and I do sometimes), it's your own fault, play better. Rogues are easy. Warriors and druids are laughable. Paladins are a joke too. Haven't tried any locks or priests but it's pretty clear which way those would go. Mages aren't great 1v1 anyway in 19s.

There's already no excuse for shamans to lose 1v1 to any class. It's only 1v# when it gets interesting. With these changes hunters will be even easier, but killing druids is going to suck.

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